

Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)


The Spaces Between: Equity, Voice, Agency, and Care Practices Involving the Arts and Arts Therapies

An international series of fourteen seminars starting November 2022: Australia, Chile, Finland, Ghana, India, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, UAE, UK, USA

close up of woven fabric, photo by Kaz Madigan
Following a successful Grand Challenges bid by from the IOE, Professor Ama De-Graft Aikins, Institute of Advanced Studies and , Slade School of Fine Art,ÌýandÌýa collaboration with led by , a new seminar series starts in November 2022 and runs until October 2023.
  • What are ‘agency’ and ‘voice’?Ìý
  • What is equity?Ìý
  • What constitutes care?Ìý
  • How do these relate to those participating in the arts in health or wellbeing contexts and in therapy?Ìý
  • What are different discoveries and practices in different countries?Ìý

ÌýThe seminars will:Ìý

  • include presentations about research and include extracts of arts material that reflects our themes Ìý
  • include time to ask questions Ìý
  • last an hour and a quarterÌý

Seminar 1:ÌýWelcome and Introduction, 3 November 2022
Seminar 2:ÌýCulture Change in Motion: creative approaches to working with trauma, 16 November 2022
Seminar 3:ÌýPower and the Language(ing) of Care, 19 December 2022
Seminar 4:ÌýVoiced: Inclusivity, empowerment and wellbeing for a museum community,Ìý30 January 2023Ìý
Seminar 5: Dance/Connect: Coproduction and creativity in research with young people,Ìý7 February 2023
Seminar 6:ÌýCo-production in practice and research: A new paradigm for arts in health & arts therapies?Ìý16 March 2023
Seminar 7:ÌýConceptual perspectives on interdisciplinary practices in Creativity, Arts, Culture & Wellbeing,Ìý20 April 2023
Seminar 8:ÌýCreative and arts intervention network Latin America: A regional hub to connect arts & brain health, 15 May 2023
Seminar 9:ÌýSupporting helping professionals through the arts: a multi-tiered approach to wellbeing, 12 June 2023
Seminar 10:ÌýProblematizing Wellbeing: Critical Feminism andPractices of Care in the Arts Therapies, 21 July 2023
Seminar 11:ÌýChampioning Arts in Health across Continents,Cultures and Communities: The Global Arts in Medicine Fellowship, 4ÌýAugust 2023
Seminar 12:ÌýA WHO Resource on Arts Practice and theÌýEthics of Care, 12 September 2023

Please join us. They are open to anyone interested in these questions. ÌýThe seminars will be conducted in English and Zoom’s auto-captioning will be used.

PhotoÌýby Kaz MadiganÌý