

Joint Research Office


Research archiving contract for Royal Free

29 May 2012

The Royal Free has a new contract with storage provider Iron Mountain to allow research records to be transferred into secure long-term storage.

This is a significant step towards resolving the 2011 MHRA finding on archiving at the Royal Free.

The initiative, currently in its pilot phase, will allow research records to be transferred into secure long-term storage - guaranteeing valuable records are stored in the correct conditions for the correct period of time.

The Joint Research Office has produced a self-assessment tool that Royal Free researchers can use to determine which records they need to move offsite.More information, including detailed instructions for using the service, will be published on the JRO website over the coming months.

Any enquiries to the JRO Archivist and Records Manager, Daniel Heather (daniel.heather@nhs.net)