

Joint Research Office


Shruti Chandra

Blog written by Shruti Chandra, Ophthalmology Specialty Registrar and NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow

My career choice was steered by the fact that performing clinical research with translational value is my passion and a career as an academic clinical fellow gives me the opportunity to pursue that.

The most exciting part of my role so far is getting to set up my own study as principal investigator, designing the protocol, imaging manual has been a great learning experience both about the disease as well as the basics of trial set up. I think the most interesting part was the PPIE activity with patient which improved my understanding and enhanced the quality of my protocol.

I believe the thing I have struggled most with is time management and balancing my clinical commitments with research duties. This has especially been difficult in the past few months where I am setting up my study, writing protocol, imaging manuals, organising REC meeting and SIV. Finding the time to complete all these and schedule meetings at convenient times during the week has been particularly challenging.

I have learnt many new skills during the course of my career including, the process of setting up studies - from applying for grants to the site initiation visit. I've also learnt how to complete an IRAS form, and submit it to the REC, as well as presenting a study to the REC and responding to their clarifications.

The best academic advice I have received is to never give up on the hardwork, stay patient and always put patients first!

For individuals aspiring for a research/clinical career, my advice would be that if you have the passion for it, there no better route than the NIHR ACF/ACL pathway. Stay on course and be ready to work hard.

During my career I'm aiming to become a Clinician scientist with dry AMD imaging and clinical trial end points as my niche area of work. I want to be able to do effective clinical trial in this disease area with an aim to further understanding of the disease pathogenesis, advise drug development and most importantly improve quality of life and give hope to these patients. At the same time I hope to be able to be an inspiration for other to pursue an academic clinical pathway.

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