
The Bartlett School of Planning


BSP Undergraduate awarded LDA Design Bursary

17 December 2019

LDA Design has awarded five bursaries to students of landscape architecture and urban design, to celebrate their 40th anniversary and to encourage the next generation of professionals.

Reka King's Cross proposal image

Landscape architects and urban designers have a critical role to play in tackling the climate and biodiversity crises and social inequality. LDA judged applicants on design proposals to give a new future to the place of their choice.

The bursaries are worth £2,000 each, and come with the opportunity of a paid work placement with LDA Design. One of the five recipients was Reka Tundokova, a second year student on our BSc Urban Planning, Design and Management programme. Reka reimagined a neighbourhood in King’s Cross, London, to become a flexible, sociable and playful place using very simple elements that are easily inserted and yet add something significant. Customisable blocks can become chairs, tables, and adapted for leisure or play. Wooden curved column streetlamps and green walls also contribute to making the place feel useable and sustainable. The judges remarked on “the lovely lightness of touch to Reka’s proposal for liveability and intensification.”

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