
UCL Energy Institute


Grant won to gain insights into UK energy consumer patterns using machine learning

16 August 2018

Industrial Strategy Fund grant awarded to support the understanding of existing data to create more confident insights into customers energy consumption.


A £120,000 grant from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy’s Industrial Strategy Fund has been awarded to UCL-Energy in partnership with energy supplier Igloo Energy.

There is already available vast amount of energy, property and socio-economic data freely available in the UK alongside energy and contextual data. The grant will enable the creation of an inventory of the data sets and an investigation into their quality. Once created, Machine Learning techniques will then be used to process the data and derive insight into consumer behaviour that will describe how a customer’s energy consumption pattern relates to their lifestyle and property; and the relationship between consumption and energy spend and expenditure on energy efficient home improvements.

The UCL Energy Institute is committed to undertaking industrially relevant research to support the decarbonisation of the UK energy system and we are excited to be partnering with Igloo on this project. We hope to demonstrate the ability of machine learning to develop customer insights that can benefit UK energy users, saving them money, and support innovative new business models that reduce carbon emissions.”

Dr Aidan O’Sullivan, Lecturer, Head of Energy and Artificial Intelligence research theme at 911 Energy Institute