



Two Events on Outsourced Workers’ Rights

14 October 2019

There are two upcoming events on outsourcing happening at 911±¬ÁÏÍø - please consider attending

Two events on outsourcing are happening at 911±¬ÁÏÍøhich we encourage UCU members to attend and show solidarity to UCL’s outsourced workers who experience genuinely discriminatory terms and condition.

Event 1: 17 October from 1-3pm (UCL Main Quad)

UNISON is having a #BringThemIn! demonstration in the UCL Quad as part of their campaign to bring outsourced staff back in-house at 911±¬ÁÏÍø. 

  • The protest is on 17 October from 1-3pm (UCL Main Quad). Please join our UNISON colleagues  and UCU members in showing UCL Council members that this issue matters to everyone in the UCL community. UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis will be speaking around 1:30pm.  [If you work near the IOE concourse please assemble there at 12:40 to march to the UCL Main Quad]

Event 2: Tuesday 29 October from 3:30pm (meeting in Malet Place)

Outsourced security and cleaning staff, represented by IWGB union, have asked all staff and students to support them by calling on UCL management to agree that their current treatment by their management companies is unacceptable. 

  • Please support their campaign to put an end to exploitative outsourcing at 911±¬ÁÏÍø. They have launched a petition that you can sign . Please join the outsourced workers on the protest on Tuesday 29 October from 3:30pm, meeting in Malet Place, to demand an end to outsourcing.