



Four Fights

You have worked throughout the pandemic and generated record income for the sector only to be rewarded with attacks on your pay, working conditions, and pensions.

The truth is that we are not all in this together.

Whilst our members have seen their pay cut by 25% since 2009, university vice chancellors and senior management have been collecting six-figure salaries.

Workers everywhere are rising up and saying enough is enough. It is time for us to join them.

We are reballoting now to increase the pressure and extend our mandate for industrial action. A yes vote in this ballot would extend unprecedented sector-wide action in these disputes. We have the opportunity to bring every single university to a standstill for the first time in our union’s history, change the game and set our union on course for a game changing deal. It’s time to rise up and arrest the decline of pay, working conditions, and pensions.