

Imperial Logistics: The Making of the Terracotta Army


Terracota army in forthcoming talks

14 September 2015

We keep making efforts to reach a wide and diverse range of audiences.

First, because that's the least we should do in return for the privilege of working on such an extraordinary site. And second, because in these fora we get feedback, questions and suggestions that keep inspiring further work. Detail of warrior (photo Xia Juxian)

Detail of one of the many warriors, photographed by Xia Juxian

So we're listing below a few opportunities to listen and talk to us in the near(ish) future, in case you are around and would like to add them to your diary (but note that booking is required for some of them). As always, we're happy to be approached if you'd like us to come and talk at your university, workplace, community or school…

  • On Thursday 24th of September, I will be at the Wren Library of the Lincoln Cathedral, at an event on organised by the University of Lincoln.
  • On Saturday 26th of September, Patrick Quinn will be talking at the Acropolis Museum in Athens, as part of the .
  • On Wednesday 28th of October, I will be the guest speaker at UCL's Natural Science Club (though I think this might be for members only!).
  • On Monday 12th of October Xiuzhen Janice Li will give a talk at the headquarters of in London.
  • On Monday 2nd of November I will be talking at the University of Oxford, at a seminar series organised by the [NOTE this talk will take place at the Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St Giles' St, Oxford OX1 3LU, and not in the venue previously advertised].
  • And finally (at least so far), on Friday 18th March I will be presenting some of our work at the .

The later events are still due to be advertised in the relevant websites, but they should appear soon. If you would like to be informed of further events in the future, remember that you can sign up for our news feed.

Hope to see you at one of these!

[NOTE: This post was published in September but has been updated in October to accommodate changes in schedules]

is Professor of Archaeological Science at the UCL Institute of Archaeology and the Director of the Imperial Logistics Project.