

Imperial Logistics: The Making of the Terracotta Army


Long live adoption!

16 November 2012

Our first blog entry has to be devoted to the very news behind the origins of this blog: we have been adopted! The British Academy has recently announced that Imperial Logistics is one of the five projects they have decided to adopt as "Academy Research Projects".


In their own words, this designation is meant to be "a kitemark for the excellence of its scholarship, and the promise and excitement of its programmes". The last time the British Academy "adopted" projects was in 2007. We are truly proud and excited with this news and look forward to an exciting future in partnership.

The recognition as a British Academy Research Project comes with some modest but very welcome funding for our research and knowledge exchange programmes but also, more importantly, with the expectation that we will maintain the highest standards. Of course, we have been trying to keep the highest standards since the beginning of the project but this is a new boost.

One of the first things we have decided is to create a project website to present the basics of our research to the public, so that others can see (and hopefully enjoy) what we are doing. The blog you are reading is a more informal channel to disseminate news and views related to our project, the First Emperor's Mausoleum in general, or other related matters.

You are very welcome to send us your questions or comments. Some of your questions may be answered as blog entries.

Last but not least: consider subscribing to our rss feed, adding this page to your bookmarks and signing up to our mailing list.

Thank you for reading,


is Professor of Archaeological Science at the UCL Institute of Archaeology and the Director of the Imperial Logistics Project.