



F1000 Special Collection for World TB Day 2018

We are excited to announce that F1000 are supporting a of manuscripts for the UCL-LSHTM World TB Day 2018 meeting.

Read more about the publishing model . This from the F1000 describes why they have established the publishing model this way.

Briefly, the F1000Research model is based on 'post-publication invited open peer review'. Submissions go through editorial checks and the article is published as a 'Version 1', with its own DOI. At that stage it's similar to a preprint. It is live, open access and can be cited (but the citation details makes it clear it is awaiting peer review).

Publication of 'Version 1' then triggers the peer-review process. Authors suggest the reviewers and F1000Research check the reviewer suggestions. Reports are checked when  submitted and published with the manuscript. When at least 2 reviewers report on an article it is considered as 'peer review complete'. If the article passes peer review then it is indexed in places like PubMed and Scopus.

Article types: As well as standard articles for Original Research, F1000Research also publish Research Notes, case reports, study protocols, data notes, method articles etc. F1000Research also strongly encourages the publication of null/negative findings. All of the article types are listed .