



New publications by members of UCL-TB

1 February 2016


We're pleased to announce that Dr Tom Yates and Dr Helen Stagg have had articles published this month.

Plan Beta for tuberculosis: it's time to think seriously about poorly ventilated congregate settings.

Globally, the rates of decline in tuberculosis (TB) incidence are disappointing, but in line with model predictions regarding the likely impact of the DOTS strategy. Here, we review evidence from basic epidemiology, molecular epidemiology and modelling, all of which suggest that, in high-burden settings, the majority of Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission may occur in indoor congregate settings.

Dr Tom A Yates, Prof Frank Tanser, Prof Ibrahim Abubakar


The transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in high burden settings

Unacceptable levels of Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission are noted in high burden settings and a renewed focus on reducing person-to-person transmission in these communities is needed. We review recent developments in the understanding of airborne transmission. We outline approaches to measure transmission in populations and trials and describe the Wells-Riley equation, which is used to estimate transmission risk in indoor spaces. 
Dr Tom A Yates, MSccorrespondence, Palwasha Y Khan, MBBCh, Gwenan M Knight, PhD, Jonathon G Taylor, PhD, Prof Timothy D McHugh, PhD, Marc Lipman, MD, Richard G White, PhD, Ted Cohen, MD, Prof Frank G Cobelens, PhD, Prof Robin Wood, DSc [Med], Prof David A J Moore, MD, Prof Ibrahim Abubakar, FRCP


Decreased Time to Treatment Initiation for Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Patients after Use of Xpert MTB/RIF Test, Latvia

Few studies have examined whether the Xpert MTB/RIF test improves time to treatment initiation for persons with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB). We determined the impact of this test in Latvia, where it was introduced in 2010. After descriptive analyses of pulmonary MDR TB patients in Latvia during 2009-2012, time to treatment initiation was calculated, and univariate and multivariable accelerated failure time models were constructed. Univariate results showed strong evidence of an association between having rifampin-resistant TB detected by Xpert MTB/RIF and reduced time to treatment initiation versus the test not being used. 
Helen R. StaggComments to Author , Peter J. White, Vija Riekstiņa, Andra Cīrule, Ģirts Šķenders, Vaira Leimane1, Liga Kuksa1, Gunta Dravniece, James Brown, and Charlotte Jackson