
Sustainable Development Goals


A partnership will provide a global centre for next-generation vaccines

Biochemical engineers at 911 have joined forces with vaccinologists to provide a hub of skills and innovation to accelerate the development and manufacture of a low-cost supply of vaccines for all.

SDG Case study G3.8-vaxhub-micheletti

8 October 2020

The UN estimates that globallysixmillion children each year die before theirfifthbirthdayfrom diseasesthat are preventable with vaccination.

The Future Vaccine Manufacturing Research Hub(Vax-Hub)capitaliseson new developments in genetics,cell biology, engineering fundamentalsand manufacturing technologies to acceleratethedevelopmentofaffordablevaccines forlarge-scale manufacture,and ensure the vaccinesquicklyreachthose who need them most. 

“In recent years we have seen remarkable advances insynthetic biology and cell engineering. Wemust continueto innovate anddevelop suitable manufacturing platformsto exploit those advances andensureeveryone has access to effective vaccines,”saysProfessor Martina Micheletti(UCL Biochemical Engineering).

TheVax-Hubpartnershipisa‘hub and spokes’model,withtwo‘hubs’–led by Professor Micheletti(UCL Biochemical Engineering)andProfessorSarah Gilbert(Jenner Institute, University of Oxford) -supportedby ‘spoke’institutions,smalland largebioprocessingcompaniessectorandinternationalorganisations.

“We must continue to innovate and develop suitable manufacturing platformsto exploit those advances andensure everyone has access to effective vaccines.”

Thecross-disciplinaryteam is devising tools and technologies to scale-up and providearapid,low-cost supplyof vaccines. Italso supportsnewtechnology platformsby providingfunding forfeasibility studies and knowledge transfer activities, both in the UK and internationally.

For example,Vax-Hub is workingwith Professor Brendan Wren at the London School of Hygiene&Tropical Medicine who hasdevelopeda new vaccineplatform technologyto producea cheaper vaccineagainstbacterial meningitis and pneumonia.TheVax-Hubis developing a scalablemanufacturing processfornovelvaccine candidatesthat meetinternational standards andareexpectedto enterclinicaltrialsin the near future.

“TheHub brings togetheracademia, industry and policymakers to propose radical change in vaccine development and manufacturing technologiesand ensure vaccinesare suitablefor, and technologies translated to,low-andmiddle-incomecountriesand manufacturers,”explains Professor Micheletti.

“We wantto overcome the traditional inefficiencies thatoccurwhen vaccines are manufactured,so that effective vaccines can bemanufactured quickly and reach those who need them most.”sheadds.

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&;The Vax-Hub