
Sustainable Development Goals


Learning lessons from educational programmes in low- and middle- income countries

UCL education expert is contributing to a major collaboration to reduce aspects of poverty in low- and middle- income countries

SDG Case study g1.2-rolleston

8 October 2020

More than170million people couldescapeextreme poverty ifevery childleft school with basic reading skills.Butdespite a focus on educational programmes worldwide,the worldis stillfacingan education crisis.

In 2002, an ambitious longitudinal studybegan following the livesof12,000new-bornchildren from Vietnam, Ethiopia, Peru and India,a group of whomwere bornin 2002–02, and second, older, group who were born in 1994–95. TheYoung Livesstudy, led by the University of Oxford’sDepartment of International Development,was launchedtohelpshed light both on the drivers and impacts of child poverty, withanemphasisoneducationand skills.

“As many assix out of ten children and adolescentsworldwideare not achieving minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics,” explainsDrCaine Rolleston(UCL Institute of Education),whohas led the education research within Young Lives since 2011.

“A key challenge to tackling poverty is to deliver on every child’s right to learn basic skills.”

His work focusses on education in developing countries, including learning outcomesand educational accessand equity.“Akeychallengetotackling povertyis todeliver on every child’s right tolearnbasic skills,”he says.

In Ethiopia and Indiawhere attainment levels arepooroveralldespitegovernment programmes to support schools,DrRollestonand colleagues found that disadvantaged children commonly ended up at schoolswhere teaching was less‘effective’.

By contrast, in Vietnam,educational attainment is high.Success comes from education policiesthatfocuson foundation skillsat primary school, and teachers working to a standard that all children are expected to reach, while there, of course, remain challenges

There is also positive discriminationfor children fromdisadvantagedhomesin some cases. For example,throughfree school places at boarding schools. Thisremovescertaineconomic barriers andprotects children frompressures toworkat home.

Data from Young Lives have been used at national and international levels to support change in education including by DFID, UNESCO and the World Bank.

“Thishasinformedlocal policies and practicesthatcan helpcorrect disadvantages presented by socio-economic status,”DrRolleston says.

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