
Sustainable Development Goals


Capturing waste energy to heat 911’s campus

UCL supplies more than 40 of its buildings with heat and low-carbon electricity produced by its District Energy Network.

SDG case study G7.2- Operations - District Energy

8 October 2020

UCL’sDistrict Energy Networkproduces heat and low-carbon electricityfrom aCombined Heat and Power (CHP) system.WhenCHP engines generateelectricity,they also generateheatthat,rather than being wastedis captured andusedto provide heating andhot water toUCL’sbuildings. We alsouse the electricity to power these buildings.

“Although inthe height of winter wehave totopup this heat with some large gas boilers, thesystem saves 18%of carbon emissions a year compared to conventional heating,” says Ciaran Jebb (Sustainable UCL).

“It will be a major contributor to our aim for UCL to be zero-carbon by 2030.”

The system was first installed in the 1960s,butitcontinues to bemodified to respond totheneed for decarbonising heat production.Over the nextdecadeUCL is seeking toconnecttofurtherlow-carbon waste heat sources such as sewers and the Tubeto capturemoreheat that would otherwise go to waste.“The upgradedDistrict Energy Networkwill be a major contributor to our aim for UCL to be zero-carbon by 2030,” says Ciaran.

UCL is also exploring integratingbattery storage into theNetwork.“Producingand storingmore of our own electricity at peak timesreducesthe demand UCL placeson the national grid. This helps cut out the need for coal power stations to be fired up at times of high demand, contributing to a cleaner electricity grid for the whole country,”adds Ciaran.