
Sustainable Development Goals


Access to justice supports health and wellbeing

Through its pro-bono legal services for local communities, the UCL Centre for Access to Justice is improving legal support for local communities around the UCL’s new campus in east London.

SDG Case study G16.3 Access

7 October 2020

Legal problems and ill-healthoften coincide. Without intervention, problems canescalatewithdeteriorating healthleading tofinancial difficulties,worsening living conditionsandfurtherstress and anxiety.

“Oftenthe people who needlegalhelp most areunsure of their rights andcan ill-affordtheadvicethey need”explains Rachel Knowles (UCL Laws), the Centre’s Head of Legal Practice and a practising solicitor.

The Centre for Access to Justice,established in2013by UCLLaws, focuses on raising awareness of access to justice issues throughhigh-quality teaching and research, as well as providing students with a range of pro-bono opportunities to experience access to justice issues in practice.

In 2016, thecentreset up the UCL integrated legal advice clinic, which provides free and legally aidedadvice to the local community.

The clinic was founded with seed funding from the UCL Grand Challenge of Justice & Equality. It is located inStratford, East London, close to UCL East, the university’s new campus located on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.

“Wecomplementourresearch and teachingwithprovidingfreeand legally aidedadviceand representationtoourlocal communitiesviaa legal advice clinicand other voluntary placements for students with local charities and advice services,” Rachel adds.

“Through ourIntegrated Legal Advice Clinic andwithsupervisionfromqualified lawyers,ourlaw studentsprovidefreelegaladviceon a range ofsocialwelfare issuestoour neighboursinthe localcommunity.”

In the seven years since the clinic was established, almost 200UCL Law students have supportedmore than 500people with legal advice and casework.

Among the people the Clinic has helped are a womanstruggling toobtaina disabled parking permit, to support her son with autism;and a local resident whowas left without accommodation and had to appeal to the courts to access housing benefit.

The pro-bono schemes create a virtuous circle, asShiva Riahi(UCL Laws), Head of Projectsfor the Centre,explains:“Residents andpatientsaccessquality legal advice,studentsgainvaluable‘real world’insight and understanding of the wider social and political context in which these needs arise.

“Thishelpsus develop a holistic approach toresolvingthe legal problems our clients faceandat the same timesupport better health and wellbeing.”