
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)




Homosexuality is legal in Russiasince 1993, however societal anti-homosexual sentiments are highwith over 70% of the population holding hostile views towards homosexual people. Currently there are no laws in place protecting LGBT people in Russia from discrimination in areas of employment, housing or military service. However, legally homosexual people are allowed to serve in the military openly.In fact, a law that banned 'propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations' practically legitimises discrimination against LGBT people.Same-sex partnershipsis not recognisedby law. It is legal to change one's legal gender,but sex reassignment surgery is required. There are numerous organisationsadvocating for LGBT and gender rights in Russia, the list of the main ones can be found below.

  • by ILGA Europe.
  • byILGA Europe.

LGBTQ map of Russia

Academic institutions

As of yet to our knowledge, there are no academic institutions dedicated to LGBT research in Russia, but some research on gender and sexuality is carried out by individual members of staff in the following institutions.As there are over 3000 Higher Education Institutions in Russia, the providedlist reflects only a fraction of the top institutions. For the fuller scope of academic research on gender andLGBTin Russia please browse the repositories provided below.

  • , Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • , Saint-PetersburgState University
  • , NovosibirskState University
  • , Higher School of Economics
  • , Higher School of Economics
  • , MGIMO University


  • Amico, S. (2014)..Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
  • Baer, B. (2009).. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Baker, C. (2016). .Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Barta, Peter I. (2001) . (Studies in Russian and European Literature). London/New York: Routledge.
  • Borenstein, E. (2008)..(Culture and society after socialism). Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
  • Buyantueva, R. & Shevtsova M. (2020). . Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Downing, Gillett, Downing, Lisa, & Gillett, Robert. (2011).. (Queer interventions). Farnham: Ashgate.
  • Edenborg, Emil. (2017). (Interventions). London/New York: Routledge.
  • Eichler, M. (2011)..Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
  • Essig, L. (1999)..Durham: Duke University Press.
  • Fejes, N., & Balogh, A. (2012)..Bristol: Intellect books.
  • Goscilo, Lanoux, Goscilo, Helena, & Lanoux, Andrea. (2006)..(1st ed.). DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press.
  • Healey, D. (2001).. Chicago, Ill., London: University of Chicago Press.
  • Healey, D. (2018). . London; New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Mielke, T., & Minsky, M. (2017)..
  • Mole, R.C.M. (2021). . London: UCL Press.
  • Mole, R.C.M. (2019)..(First ed., Routledge contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe series).
  • O'Donnell, K., & O'Rourke, M. (2006)..
  • Pilkington, H. (1996)..London; New York: Routledge.
  • Ri͡abova,T.(2008)..Ivanovo: GOU VPO.
  • Schluter, D. (2002). . New York;London: Routledge
  • Sperling, V. (2015)..(Oxford studies in culture & politics).
  • Stella, F. (2015).. Francesca Stella, University of Glasgow.(Genders and sexualities in the social sciences).
  • Štulhofer, Sandfort, Štulhofer, Aleksandar, & Sandfort, Theo. (2005).. Aleksandar Štulhofer, Theo Sandfort, editors.New York: Haworth Press. .
  • Tuller, David. (1996). Boston/London: Faber & Faber.
  • Ziemer, U. (2011)..(Soviet and post-Soviet politics and society; 103). Stuttgart: Ibidem.
  • -an academic journal on gender studies in the countries of the former USSR that publishes materials on gender, covering the entire spectrum of social and human sciences.
  • -a journal devoted to the study of the polities, economies, societies, and foreign relations of Russia and other republics of the former USSR. Its primary focus is on the tension between impulses of reform, liberalization, andmodernization in the region and legacies of corruption, suppression of civil liberties, and other manifestations of the Soviet (and pre-Soviet) past.
  • (Лабораторияисследованийсексуальности) contains resources on sociological and anthropological studies of sexuality [Russian].
  • contains a list of resources about gender in Russia[Russian].
  • is a website dedicated toLGBThistory in Russia. Their[Russian].
  • A list of articles about gender equality in Russia onwebsite[Russian].
  • A list of articles aboutLGBTrights onwebsite[Russian].
  • is the largest search engine for academic publications with links to online journals including publications onLGBTand gender[Russian].
  • List of publications by[Russian].
  • A search engine for doctoral dissertations in Russia[Russian].
  • Library ofoffers online material onLGBTin Russia[Russian].
  • provides open access to research publications, teaching materials, conference presentations, research data, graduation projects, dissertations and theses[Russian].
Data and statistics
  • by OSCE ODIHR [English].
  • State-Sponsored Homophobia2019,,and, ILGA Europe -a world survey of sexual orientation laws +[English].
  • . Reports,1997- 2019[English].
  • (PDF)..(Online report). Human Rights Watch [English].
  • , includes , ILGA Europe -a world survey of sexual orientation laws +[in English].
  • . Amnesty International [English].
  • / Лаборатория исследований сексуальности. СПб. : ЛИС, 2017[Russian].
  • . Aleksandr Kondakov. Sankt-Peterburg : Tsentr nezavisimykh sotsiologicheskikh issledovanii, 2017[Russian].
  • . Equal Rights Trust, London, 2016[English].
  • Equal Rights Trust, London, 2015 [English].
  • /ред.-сост. А. А.Кондаков. — СПб.:Центрнезависимыхсоциологическихисследований.2014[Russian].
  • .COWI and The Danish Institute for Human Rights[English].
  • Legal Report: Russian Federation by university lecturer and researcher Kseniya A.Kirichenko. COWI and The Danish Institute for Human Rights[English].
  • . ILGAreport, 2008 [English].
News portals
  • is a Russian gay-oriented magazine[Russian].
  • is awebsitecoveringvarious topics related toLGBTand gender [Russian].
  • A list of[Russian].
  • is a series of videos discussing topics related to gender[Russian].

LGBTQ organizations

  • LGBT ministry (latin: herald and strengthen) unites LGBT believers of different religious and confessional affiliations and people who don’t participate in any organized forms of religion, but share values of humanism, cultural diversity, tolerance, intercultural dialogue, nonviolence and Human rights [Russian].
  • The is an inter-regional, non-governmental human rights organization that promotes equal rights and respect for human dignity, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity. They unite and develop regional initiatives, advocacy groups, and provide social and legal services [Russian, English].
  • Project provides support to LGBT teenagers in Russia [Russian].
Other resources
  • is an LGBT International Film Festival in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The website has a good selection of videos. Theirchannel,,,, accounts[Russian].
  • website [Russian].