

UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


Kiev, Ukraine


Ukrainian Level 3 Upper Intermediate

Ukrainian Level 3 Upper IntermediateÌý

Course description: This course is for people who completed the Lower Intermediate course or who have sound knowledge of the language acquired through visits to the country or through self-study. The course aims at developing four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Topics: Work, profession, daily life, life style, leisure, shopping, food and eating habits, health, human body, education and life-long learning, Ukrainian system of education, life in large cities and towns, life in cities and in countryside, language learning, world economy and life standards, facts from Ukrainian history, UNESCO World Heritage sites in Ukraine.Ìý

Skills: General discussion; expressing views, wishes, desires, hopes, expectations; expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing; making suggestions and recommendations; topic presentation; narration; listening comprehension; role-plays; writing short essays.

Grammar: Revision and in-depth study of the covered material; verbs of motion without and with prefix; gerunds; word-formation; revision of cases, usage of prepositions with different cases, verbs with prepositions and cases; declension of pronouns; negative constructions – double negation; complex and compound sentences, usage of conjunctions, time phrases.

Study materials
Course materials:

I.Klyuchkovska, O. Palinska, O. Ptashnyk, O. Turkevych, B. Syvanych, H. Shmilo. Mandrivka Ukrayinoyu: navchalnyi posibnyk z ukrayinskoyi yak inozemnoyi (riven B2). – Lviv: Don Bosco, 2012.
ISBN 978-966-2090-16-1

Apart from the textbook, teacher’s own materials, texts from Internet, video and audio materials are being used.

