

Short courses


Qualitative Process Evaluation in Healthcare: an Introduction

  • 6 hours
  • 10 days minimum


This online course provides an introduction to using qualitative methods within process evaluations, focusing on complex health interventions.

You'll consider how to capture the complexity of processes of implementation and delivery, with examples focusing on fidelity and engagement.

The course includes a mixture of presentations and hands-on exercises. You'll also apply your learning to your own process evaluation ideas.

Who this course is for 

The course is for researchers, students and clinicians looking to conduct process evaluation research or understand process evaluations in more depth.

You should have a foundation in/familiarity with qualitative methods, as some basic knowledge will be assumed.

Course content 

The following topics will be covered:

  • Why it's important to conduct process evaluations
  • What qualitative methods you should use
  • How qualitative methods can be used to conduct process evaluations
  • Strengths and challenges of process evaluations

Teaching and structure 

Teaching will be delivered entirely online by expert tutors. You'll learn by:

  • watching pre-recorded video presentations
  • interacting with peers and tutors through activities, questions and group discussions
  • working through a handbook to develop your own process evaluation ideas

A live session for discussion and networking will be held over Zoom.

You'll have access to the online presentations, activities and handbook as soon as you register for the course. You should work through all these before the live session.

You'll have access to the online resources for 1 week after the live session.


You'll receive a certificate of completion after attending the live session.

Please consult your organisation about eligibility for CPD credit.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, you'll be able to:

  • understand and explain what process evaluations are
  • understand and explain the importance of conducting process evaluations
  • understand the role of qualitative methods and which qualitative methods can be used to carry out a process evaluation
  • apply your learning to your own process evaluation ideas

Cost and concessions 

The standard cost of this course is £75.

A limited number of bursaries are available. If you feel you would benefit from this course but the cost presents a barrier, email qhrn@ucl.ac.uk with a brief statement (maximum 250 words) before registering. If you're selected, the fees for this course will be reduced to £30.

Further study 

This is part of series of online workshops hosted by the Qualitative Health Research Network (QHRN) on developing specialist qualitative research skills in health research.

Course information last modified: 30 Nov 2022, 16:00