

Safety Services


UCL Health and Safety Objectives 2018/19

The health and safety objectives for UCL for the 2018/19 academic year are stated below.

Heads of Department are required to determine what actions they are to take in order to meet these and their own objectives.

  • All departments to have completed a Departmental Hazard Status Checklist by end of December 2018 to enable UCL Safety Services to assign the correct status for the purpose of Target 100 i.e 'high hazard' department or 'low risk' department
  • All high hazard departments as identified on the UCL Safety Services website must produce reports for committee meetings that meet the required standard as detailed on the UCL Safety Services website
  • Departments who are not identified on the UCL Safety Services website as high hazard must complete a Target 100 Lite Assessment within 12 months (from the availability of Target 100 Lite)
  • Where departmental water systems have been identified, departments must have a record of Legionella awareness training for all responsible persons and any others who may be affected by the risk
  • There will be 140 trained Wellbeing Champions registered on riskNET's Responsible Persons Register, actively delivering the events and sharing information within their local area. Each School and Professional Service area will have a representative on the Wellbeing Steering Group

Health and Safety Objectives​ →