
Safety Services



Nitromethane is a colourless oily liquid used in organic synthesis, and as a fuel for rockets, racing cars and model aircraft.

Why this substance is hazardous?​

  • Nitromethane (CH3NO3) is an energetic explosive greater than TNT (2,4,6,- Trinitrotoluene) at above normaltemperature or pressure. At room temperature and pressure,it is flammable rather than explosive.​
  • It is an oxygen-poor explosive and considered insensitive so often the explosive risk is overshadowed by theflammable risk it has when used as a fuel.​
  • ​When fuel includes nitromethane the exhaustwill contain nitric oxide vapour, which is corrosive, and wheninhaled causes a muscular reaction making it impossible to breathe.​

  • Nitromethane is an acidic carbon in organic synthesis. It is also used as a motor racing fuel particularly fordrag racing or radio-controlled models.​
  • The type of use will affecthow hazardous nitromethane is. Nitromethane can detonate more easily whencontaminated by acids, bases, amines or other “sensitizing” chemicals, or when handled at both increasedpressure AND elevated temperatures​.

Recommended control measures​

This is a controlled chemical– see information onstandards for all controlled chemicals.

Raised temperature and pressure

There is published evidence that nitromethane can be used in certainexperiments at a raised temperature. However, this is not standard UCL practice and must be approved by theresearch group leader, and depending on the departmental O&A, theHoDand the full process signed off.​


Store in accordance with good practice. As an explosive, nitromethane should be treated as acontrolled material and storage should be safe and secure. Any unexpected or uncontrolled loss must bereported to UCL Safety Services.​

Health surveillance​


Chemical safety library

> Read more about control measures for chemicals in our chemical safety library

Interesting fact

On1stJune 1958a railroad tanker containingnitromethane exploded, the cause wasthought to be due to adiabatic pressure (airbubbles compressing and superheating due to arise in pressure) – This risk is common to allliquid explosives.

Last updated: Thursday, June 24, 2021