

Safety Services


Employee Safety Responsibilities

Employee safety responsibilities are published in UCLs Organisation and Arrangements for Safety section 3.1.8 and are as follows:

The attention of all UCL employees is drawn to their legal responsibilities1:

  • To take reasonable care of themselves and all others who may be affected by their acts and omissions
  • To co-operate with both the central and Departmental policy and arrangements for safe working including any training and occupational health requirements
  • Not to interfere with or misuse anything, objects, structures or systems of work, provided by UCL in the interests of health and safety2

Any failure to comply with the above may lead to disciplinary action which could result in dismissal. Any breach of UCL's health and safety rules that places a member of staff or others in danger will be treated as gross misconduct under UCL's Disciplinary Procedure.

If you or your colleagues think there is a health and safety concern the steps you should consider in ranked priority order are:

  • Discuss the matter with your line manager
  • In the case of work-related health matters request a referral to the Occupational Health Service using the following link:
  • Contact your nominated Departmental Safety Specialist relevant to the topic area
  • Contact your health and safety representative

and at any time you can

  • Discuss the matter with Safety Advisers in Safety Services

1Section 7 of the

2Section 8 of the