
UCL Department of Risk and Disaster Reduction


Understanding and mitigating cascading crises in the global interconnected system

29 May 2017

We are editing a special issue of the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (Elsevier, IP 1.242)

SI on Cascading Crises IJDRR

Our goal is to create a milestone for the field, contextualising cascading in the built environment, the social domains, and applied emergency management.

The special issue "Understanding and mitigating cascading crises in the global interconnected system" aims topoint out the interactions and interconnections orienting the escalation of secondary emergencies through vulnerability paths, instead of focusing only on triggering events. In other words, we want to explore the different aspects related to cascading events as cross-scale accumulation of vulnerability paths waiting to happen, rather than being merely an artefact of low probability, high-impact processes. Although this initiative already started, it may benefit from the integration of more cross- disciplinary perspectives in sectors such as emergency and contingency planning. This includes cross-domain modelling of interdependent systems, decision support systems, economic impact assessments, but also social and political challenges that can influence the management of cascading events.

Guest editors

Mr.Gianluca Pescaroli, University College London, UK. Email: gianluca.pescaroli.14@ucl.ac.uk

Dr. Michael Nones, University of Bologna, Italy. Email: michael.nones@unibo.it

Dr. Luca Galbusera, European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), Email:luca.galbusera@ec.europa.eu

Prof. David Alexander, University College London and IJDRR Editor in Chief

Important Dates

Deadline for manuscript submission: October 15, 2017

Completion of the review and revision process: February 28, 2018

Possible date for publication: As soon as the paper is accepted it will go online!

To submit for this special issue please select “SI: Mitigate cascading crises” in the “Choose article type” menu.