



Identifying eligible patients

Who is eligible to take part?

We want to keep the inclusion criteria pragmatic and broad to reflect the current dilemma in clinical practice. We therefore think that the uncertainty of GP and patient about the possible benefits of antidepressants is the key entry criterion for the trial. We will not impose any additional criteria of severity and duration ourselves and people who are having other interventions such as low intensity IAPT can also take part.

Eligible patients are those who:
• are aged 18 to 74 years
• have not been treated with antidepressants in the previous 8 weeks

Excluded are patients who:
• have other psychiatric disorders, i.e. psychosis, schizophrenia, bipolar, mania, hypomania, dementia, eating disorder
• have major alcohol or substance abuse problem/s
• have severe hepatic impairment
• have poorly controlled epilepsy
• have known allergies to the IMP, Placebo; or have bleeding disorder
• are not able to complete the study questionnaires; or currently enrolled in another IMP trial
• are taking contraindicated medications: monoamine oxidase inhibitors within the past 14 days and pimozide
• women who are currently pregnant or planning pregnancy or lactating