


Earth’s Gulf Stream Systemat its weakest in over a millennium

25 February 2021

A new studyinvolving researchers from UCLhas foundconsistent evidence ofadeclinein ocean currents, withthe Gulf Stream System, also known as the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), at its weakest in over1,000 years.

an image of the Gulf Stream (AMOC)

Published today inNature Geoscience,the team found that the Gulf Stream’s slowdown in the 20th century is unprecedentedand is likely linked to human-induced climate change.

A major mechanism for heat redistributionand crucial to the world’s climate, an abrupt slowdown of the AMOC could trigger disruptions around theglobe- including a sudden rise in regional sea levels, changes in the position of major rainfall and arid climate zones.

Theinternationalresearchteammade up of scientists from Ireland, Britain and Germanywere able to reconstruct the flow history of the AMOCover the last 1600 yearsbyusingarangeofseveral different and largely independent proxy indicatorsincludingdata fromtree rings, ice cores, ocean sediments, and corals, as well as from historical data,such as ship logs.

Analysis of the collateddata indicatesthat whilst AMOC has been relatively stable until the 19th century, the system of ocean currents began to decline by the end of the Little Ice Ageafteraround 1850, with a second, more drastic decline following since the mid-20th century.

The study findings build upon,and are consistent with,previous research led by study co-author Dr David Thornalley (UCL Geography). A2018Naturestudy by Dr Thornalleyused the size of sediment grains in marinecoresto reconstruct the strength of importantdeep seacurrents, and alongside dataused toreconstructpastsurface ocean temperatures,itprovided the first ocean evidenceforthe unprecedented nature of recent changes in the AMOC. Further workby DrThornalley’steam,ina2020Geophysical Research Lettersstudy, went further and revealed how the extreme state of Atlantic circulation caused20thcenturywarming ofthe surface ocean in the Northeast Atlanticthat was unprecedentedin the last 10,000 years.

DrThornalleysaid: “Whilst climate modelling has long predicted a slowdown of the AMOC as a result of human-induced warming, this studyshowstheincreasing evidencein support of themodernAtlantic Oceanundergoing unprecedented changesin comparisonto the last millennium, and in some cases longer.Alongside other human pressures on the marine environment, the changes we are observing in ocean circulationareimpactingmarine ecosystems in both the surface and deep ocean. Wewillneed to take account of these ongoing changes in our efforts to conserve and manage marine resources.

“Overall,this new studyhighlightsthat major changes areoccurring, butit also draws attention to howinfuture workwemustaim to resolve which components and pathways of the AMOC have changed, how, and for what reason– there is a lot we still need to learn.”

AMOC is a key control on both regional and global climate.Whilst a slowdown of the AMOC could imply more extreme and intense winter weather events in Europe, the consequences could be manifold for people living on both sides of the Atlantic– with the east coast of the US vulnerable to flooding.

Dr Levke Caesar, lead author (ICARUS Climate Research Centre, Maynooth University, and guest scientist atPotsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research(PIK))said: “The northward surface flow of the AMOC leads to a deflection of water masses to the right, away from the US east coast. This is due to Earth’s rotation thatdiverts moving objects such as currents to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere.As thecurrent slows down, this effect weakens and more water can pile up at the US east coast, leading to an enhanced sea level rise.”

Study initiator ProfessorStefanRahmstorf(PIK)) said:“If we continue to drive global warming, the Gulf Stream System will weaken further - by 34 to 45 percent by 2100 according to the latest generation of climate models.This could bring us dangerously close to the tipping point at which the flow becomes unstable.”



Caption:“New synthesis of evidence suggests the Gulf Stream System is at its weakest in over a millennium.Credit: NatalieRenier/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution”

Media contact
Evie Calder

Tel: +44 20 7679 8557
E:e.calder[at] ucl.ac.uk