



Professor Susan Michie appointed Chair of ACSS

10 April 2018

Congratulations to Professor Susan Michie, Director of the UCL Centre for Behaviour Change, who has been appointed Chair of the Food Standards Agency (FSA)'s new Advisory Committee for Social Science (ACSS).

Professor Susan Michie


The ACSS, comprising nine independent members, will provide expert strategic advice to the FSA on its use of the social sciences, including new and emerging methods, processes, and systems to interrogate data.

Its purpose is to help the FSA apply the knowledge and methods from the social sciences to inform, shape and deliver its strategic objectives and understand its impact.

Professor Michie, Professor of Health Psychology at the UCL Division of Psychology and Language Sciences and Director of UCL's Centre for Behaviour Change, is internationally recognised as an expert in her field. She holds Fellowships at the UK's Academy of Medical Sciences, Academy of Social Sciences, the USA's Academy of Behavioural Medicine Research and its Society of Behavioural Medicine.

Heather Hancock, Chair of the FSA, said: "Understanding business and consumer behaviour, the economics of food, what influences the success of regulatory measures and consumer messages, are all critical to delivering effective consumer protection in relation to food. ÌýWe have created the new Advisory Committee for Social Science to strengthen the advice and challenge the FSA receives from a broad field of social science, ensuring that our work is underpinned by the best available evidence.

"I'm delighted that Professor Susan Michie has agreed to chair the new Committee, bringing her extensive experience within social and behavioural science, and that we have appointed such an exciting, multidisciplinary team of distinguished experts with outstanding international reputations to work with us during a period of considerable change."

Professor Michie said, "The translation of social and behavioural scientific expertise into policy and practice is an important part of my work and I am delighted to have the opportunity to show the relevance and added value of the social and behavioural sciences to the FSA working alongside the experts on this Committee."

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