



Launch of revised grading process consultation

8 June 2017

As part of an ongoing review of UCL's Human Resources policies and procedures, a new grading process has been drafted.

Main Quad statue

The process determines the procedures to be followed when requesting the grading of a new or significantly changed occupied post. This process has been developed in conjunction with professional services staff from across UCL, with the overall aims of increasing the consistency, transparency and efficiency of the grading process.

High level changes proposed include:

  • The use of a job description (JD) as the primary instrument for grading decisions, not a job description outline (JDO). This reduces the amount of work for local staff with responsibility for grading in preparing documentation for grading purpose and means that one document, the job description, is used throughout the employee life cycle for grading, recruitment, appraisal etc. purposes.
  • The publication of benchmark JD's in a database to be used by local staff involved in grading arrangements. This will help address issues around transparency and will allow staff outside HR to become more involved in grading decisions within their areas. Staff with grading oversight will be able to recommend grades where they can see a comparable existing role, which will be checked by their HRAS contact. JD's in the database will be organised by area, but also job family to give a better indication of career pathways. A standard job description template to be used will also be accessible from the database.
  • HR Advisory Services will give advice on the development of JD's and the corresponding appropriate grade. It is hoped that any initial disagreement on grading outcomes can more often be resolved informally.
  • The use of generic benchmarks to drive a greater degree of consistency in the content of job descriptions for broadly comparable roles across UCL. Following the new process launch the Reward Policy team will work with local areas to develop further relevant benchmark JDs to be used in the grading process.
  • The process clarifies the role of Faculty Managers and Heads of Professional Services as approvers for job descriptions and grading requests, though this responsibility can be delegated if preferred.

Visit the UCL Grading Process Consultation website (UCL username and password required).

UCL Human Resources