



UCL student awarded child health prize for voluntary work in Zambia

16 February 2012

UCL student Anna Rose (UCL Medical School) has been awarded the Tony Jackson Memorial Prize for 2011 for her work with HIV positive children in Zambia.


Anna was selected for her work in Zambia with local healthcare providers, communities and children affected with HIV. Her work was carried out in partnership with the Rainbow Trust Africa, a charity that she has been involved with for a number of years. The Tony Jackson Memorial Prize is awarded by The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health to encourage medical students and junior doctors to take up a career in paediatrics.

The prize was awarded based on an essay submission and a personal reflection on the experience. Her essay looked at the situation of malnutrition in HIV positive children.

"The experience was extremely emotionally challenging, particularly seeing the deaths of very young children - the vast majority of which would be treatable in the developed world."

UCL student Anna Rose

Anna explained: "I have been working with Rainbow Trust Africa for a number of years and have made frequent visits to Zambia as a result. The charity has a centre in Livingstone containing a school and a medical centre. They also run medical outreach clinics along with other projects.

"I spent three months in Livingstone, researching mortality in children in the region. This involved working with the local hospital and other healthcare providers to access records and collate data on deaths, length of hospital stays and, where possible, the HIV status of the children. I also got to visit lots of children's homes to meet orphaned and HIV positive children, as well as visiting families in the slums. The experience was extremely emotionally challenging, particularly seeing the deaths of very young children - the vast majority of which would be treatable in the developed world."

Anna will be officially presented with her award at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health conference on 22 May 2012.

Image: Anna Rose with local children in Livingstone, Zambia.Ìý

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