



National Student Survey 2010

11 January 2010


National Student Survey logo thestudentsurvey.com/" target="_self">National Student Survey

Final-year* undergraduate students are encouraged to complete the 2010 National Student Survey which is being run this term.

Students will be asked to complete the survey, which should take no more than five minutes, over the next few weeks.

The survey is an opportunity to give feedback on all aspects of university life including:

  • teaching
  • assessment and feedback
  • academic support
  • organisation and management
  • learning resources, and
  • personal development.

The survey is commissioned by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and is administered by Ipsos-MORI, an independent research agency.

Ipsos-MORI will contact students inviting them to complete the survey online. Those students who do not respond will be sent a postal questionnaire and may also be contacted by telephone.

Results of the survey will be available to prospective students on the , where the 2009 survey results are available.

UCL is committed to acting on student data from the survey, and comments and the results are disseminated to faculties and departments for consideration. Data from the survey is also made available to UCL Union and is considered by the Joint Staff Student Committee, Academic Committee and UCL Council.

To complete the survey, please use the link at the top of this article.

*In some cases, students, particularly those on programmes with a 3- or 4-year option, may be surveyed in their penultimate year.