



UCL Institute for Women's Health: Student Seminar Day

6 November 2008


Women's Health instituteforwomenshealth.ucl.ac.uk/" target="_self">UCL Institute for Women's Health

On Friday 31 October, the UCL Institute for Women's Health 1st Annual Student Seminar Day was held in the Wilkins Old Refectory. The programme included a diverse range of presentations from postgraduate students based within the institute, with topics covering the development of bioinformatics programmes, ovarian cancer cell biology, DNA methylation in breast cancer, pre-implantation diagnosis of embryos, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and prenatal brain injury.

The standard of all presentations and posters was very high. After considerable deliberation the prize for best oral presentation was awarded to Vedenta Mehta for his talk 'Long term increase in blood flow to the pregnant sheep uterus following local delivery of an adenovirus encoding VEGF to uterine arteries' and Hanan Sultan won the best poster prize for her work 'Epigenetic and assisted reproductive technology (ART): normal epigenetic pattern of human pre-implantation embryos'.

The day provided an opportunity for students to meet other students based within the institute, and to learn about their research. As the event was organised by students, it had relaxed, informal atmosphere. After a thoroughly enjoyable day, students gathered for a drinks reception in the evening.

To find out more about the UCL Institute for Women's Health, use the link at the top of the article.

Images: Winning images from the abstract book cover competition held for the day