



UCL in the News: Top lawyers

24 April 2008


UCL Quad timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/law/article3785478.ece" target="_self">Complete list

The Times Online has named the UK's most powerful lawyers, "the most powerful and influential within the law today - in the judiciary, private practice, in-house, public sector or politics" - with three UCL figures among them.

UCL President and Provost Professor Malcolm Grant "has chaired a number of government working groups and accompanied the Prime Minister on his trip to China". …Ìý

Professor Jeffrey Jowell (UCL Laws), "the leading academic in public law, is vice-chairman of the Council of Europe's Commission for Democracy Through Law ("The Venice Commission"), which helps to write constitutions for the countries of the former Soviet Union. He took part in the drafting of the national constitution of South Africa and with the constitutions of Serbia, Bosnia and the Cayman Islands." …

Lord Woolf of Barnes (UCL Laws 1954; Fellow 1981), Chair of Council 2005-2008, "may have retired as Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales in 2005 but he has not slowed down. … Harry Woolf was called to the Bar in 1955 and became a judge in 1979, rising to become a law lord, Master of the Rolls and then Lord Chief Justice. The Woolf reforms, which sought to make litigation more accessible and less expensive, have had a profound impact on civil justice since they were introduced in 1999. As Lord Chief Justice he was an outspoken advocate of penal reform, the importance of rehabilitation and spare use of custody; he also successfully led the judiciary in negotiating a "concordat" with ministers on their new role, after the removal from office of the then Lord Chancellor and constitutional shake-up." …