



CeMMAP launch and conference

27 June 2007

UCL is hosting a conference on 28-30 June 2007 to mark the launch of the Centre for Microdata Methods & Practice (CeMMAP) as an Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC) Research Centre.

The centre - a joint venture between UCL and the Institute for Fiscal Studies - was established in 2000 with funding from the Leverhulme Trust. In 2006, it received a major grant of £3.1million to conduct research into the use of microdata in order to understand human behaviour and inform better policymaking, from the UK ESRC.

To mark the launch on 1 July 2007, the conference, entitled 'Microeconometrics: Measurement Matters', will explore the inter-relationships between measurement, microeconometric methods and practice and knowledge of economic processes.

Many of the world's leading contributors to the development of microeconometric methods will present papers at the meeting. The new national research centre will provide a focus for development, understanding and application of methods for modelling individual behaviour, the influences on it and the impact of policy interventions.

As well as carrying out groundbreaking research, CeMMAP delivers a structured programme of training courses for civil servants, professional economists and social scientists, advanced masterclasses that survey whole fields up to the research frontier, user group workshops, seminars and conferences.

It trains doctoral students and provides exciting research opportunities for postdoctoral researchers. The centre has already built a wide network of Research Fellows in the UK and internationally, including two Nobel Prize winners: James Heckman (University of Chicago) and Daniel McFadden (UC Berkeley).

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