



Solar Cinema in Wimbledon

18 July 2007

UCL Slade School of Fine Art alumnus Martin Newth (MFA Fine Art Media 1999) has created a camera obscura in Wimbledon Common and is giving a free talk about the project at 2pm on 21 July 2007.

solar cinema

Martin, an artist and photographer, has turned a tent into a temporary camera obscura for his project, entitled 'Solar Cinema', turning the lens on the historic Cannizaro Park to create remarkable real-time images of the colour, movement, light and leisure of park life in July.

'Art Works in Wimbledon' commissioned the project. Its director Martin Holman said: "Solar Cinema rolls back the story of photography to its origins, which lie in the inverted image projected by natural light on to a screen. Even in the seventeenth century, viewers suspected sorcery on seeing these extraordinary images. Later inventors discovered how to fix the image, and photography was born. But now, as the medium has moved forward to the era of easy, disposable digital image making, perhaps it is time to rediscover the original process and give photography a new lease of life."

To find out more, use the links at the bottom of this article

Image: Solar Cinema
