



UCL Lunch Hour Lectures

19 September 2006

The Autumn 2006 series of UCL Public Lunch Hour Lectures opens on Tuesday 10 October 2006 with Professor Steve Jones, UCL Biology, telling his audience 'Why Intelligent Design is Stupid'.

The event will be held, appropriately, in the Darwin Lecture Theatre on Gower Street.

Other lectures in the series will be on subjects ranging from the morality of the 'war on terror', the enduring plays of Henrik Ibsen, the originality (or not) of Le Corbusier, and the lives of stars, among many others. Each lecture is delivered by a leading academic from across UCL's wide range of faculties and departments.

A brochure with full listings of the lectures, which will take place every Tuesday and Thursday from 1.15-1.55pm in the Darwin Lecture Theatre, is now available from around campus and from local cafés and shops.

Lectures are free without a ticket (no need to book) and open to both the public and the UCL community. Food is available from outside the lecture theatre, or attendees may bring their own lunch.

To find out more, and for online listings, use the link at the bottom of this article.

  • Link: