



UCL Vice-Provost to chair expert group on research metrics

27 July 2006

Professor Michael Worton, Vice-Provost of UCL, will chair an expert group that has been set up to advise the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) on the potential for using metrics - quantitative information about research activity and its outcomes - to inform the assessment of research quality and the allocation of research funding.

The remit of the group, whose members include leading academics in arts and humanities disciplines, is to help carry forward proposals set out in the government's consultation paper 'Reform of Higher Education Research Assessment and Funding', published in June this year.

The proposals include making greater use of metrics in assessment of research quality; benchmarking against international levels of excellence; and allocating HEFCE's research grant, after the next Research Assessment Exercise is concluded in 2008. The group will report to HEFCE and AHRC in October 2006.

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