



Former student in European Parliament

27 October 2005

Former UCL student Dr Antonyia Parvanova is one of 18 Bulgarian MPs to have been selected by the Bulgarian parliament to act as an official observer to the European Parliament.

Antonyia Parvanova Dr Parvanova undertook postgraduate studies in UCL's Department of Epidemiology & Public Health before being elected to the Bulgarian Parliament in 2001.

Dr Parvanova will spend the time between now and January 2007 - when Bulgaria accedes to the European Parliament - getting acquainted with the procedures and methods of the parliament, so that there will be a seamless transition when Bulgaria gains full membership of the EU. "As observers we are not allowed to vote but are able to take part in committee sessions and be affiliated to political groups. I currently sit on the Environment Public Health and Food Safety Committee. As somebody with a background in academic epidemiology, it is fascinating for me to witness how epidemiological data is exploited to develop real public health initiatives, within the forum of the European Parliament," explained Dr Parvanova.

Even as an observer, Dr Paranova has to follow a punishing schedule: "I have to divide my time between Strasbourg, Brussels and Luxembourg, as well as undertaking my parliamentary work in Bulgaria where I sit on the Health Care Committee and the Parliamentary Ethics Committee for the Simeon the Second National Movement party."

Over 70 per cent of Bulgarians are in favour of accession to the EU, and most are looking forward to the economic and social benefits membership will bring: "Bulgaria went through a difficult time economically during the 1990s, but we have overcome that, and now have one of the fastest growing economies in Eastern Europe, and membership of the EU can only help this growth. I feel privileged to be a representative of my country at such a crucial point in our history."

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