



Lighthill Institute launched

17 March 2005

To celebrate the launch of UCL's Lighthill Institute of Mathematical Sciences (LIMS), a weeklong programme of events is taking place from 14 March 2005.

Professor Lord Julian Hunt

The institute was established to act as an umbrella for the many research groups at 911±¬ÁÏÍø that work in the broad term of mathematical sciences. It intends to establish a critical mass of mathematicians, statisticians and mathematical scientists to collaborate through a series of seminars, workshops and joint research programmes.

LIMS will also encourage national and international collaboration with their visitor program, and open lectures and seminars on general interest topics and 'hot issues' in mathematical science, such as risk, biomedical research and modelling London's environment.

There is a strong emphasis on the practical use of mathematics, and support has been received from the insurance industry in the establishment of LIMS' premises, conferences and events, and there are plans for continued collaboration through activities such as evening lectures. The institute also works closely with professional societies, particularly the London Mathematical Society and the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications.

The institute has been founded in honour of the very distinguished mathematician Sir James Lighthill, a former Provost of UCL and member of the Department of Mathematics. Sir James left a huge imprint on the applications of mathematics with his seminal contributions to physiological, engineering, and environmental mathematics, notably his work on aeronautical fluid mechanics, which led through research to the shape of the Concorde wing.

Director of LIMS, Lord Hunt, said: "UCL enjoys an enviable reputation for its great strengths in the wider applications of mathematics in many areas of science, engineering, technology and social sciences, including geography. Initially the primary aim of LIMS will be to encourage and enhance interaction among the groups of research workers whose work involves the study and application of mathematical theory. Besides embracing UCL staff, it is the intention that LIMS should reach out to a wider participation for the exchange of knowledge among other institutions in the Bloomsbury/Central London area and among those working in industry and government."

The launch events include an opening reception in the cloisters, hosted by UCL's Provost and President Professor Malcolm Grant, a day of lectures by professional mathematicians for schoolchildren, a lecture on the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn to be held at Queen Mary, University of London, and a research meeting on tsunami research at the Institute of Engineers.

Professor Hunt said: "This meeting will focus on the mathematical understanding of the waves' impact on the beaches and coastal regions. Through the mathematical analysis of the variation of damage and wave formations, we can formulate recommendations for future defences."

For more information about the institute or the events use the links below.
