



International Crime Science Network established

7 March 2005

UCL'S Jill Dando Institute (JDI) of Crime Science has established the International Crime Science Network, bringing together experts from a wide range of disciplines to develop a research agenda for crime prevention and detection.

Professor Gloria Laycock Funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the network will exploit the untapped opportunities for science to improve these areas by networking scientists from different disciplines with relevant practitioner and policy communities.

The network provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of scientific crime research, in order to foster contacts between parties with differing expertise, generate research proposals, develop a means of identifying and disseminating relevant publications and organise workshops in the field of crime science.

Professor Gloria Laycock, Director of the JDI and network Principal Investigator is working closely with Professor Nick Tilley, an associate of the JDI and Professor of Sociology at Nottingham Trent University. She said: "The network is based on a belief that the scientific community could make a real difference and assist in the solution to crime related problems if there were better and more permanent communication channels both within the scientific community itself, and between scientists and practitioner groups. UCL has the first institute of crime science, but our hope is that the ideas behind it will quickly spread, and we see this network facilitating that process."

Founded by the Jill Dando Fund, the institute was created in memory of the television presenter, and signified the dawn of a new era in the field of crime science. Research at the JDI is concentrated on new ways of cutting crime, drawing upon UCL's vast experience in related disciplines, including architecture, economics, engineering, geography, medicine, psychology, statistics and town planning. The JDI is establishing close working relationships with businesses, law enforcement agencies and policy makers to ensure that teaching and research are focused on practical, real-world problems and solutions.

To find out more about the network use the links below.
