



Brain Research Trust appeal

23 December 2005

The Brain Research Trust (BRT), a charitable trust supporting the UCL Institute of Neurology, is raising funds to create a research fellowship for the investigation of brain tumours.

The fellowship will build on their existing research and fundraising efforts in the field of brain tumours, with a particular focus on the role of neuro-developmental mechanisms in brain tumour pathogenesis.

Director of the institute, Professor Roger Lemon said: "The key objectives of the fellowship for the first five years will be to understand the biology of these tumours and identify from which cells they arise, to study the cellular and molecular events that occur early in this transformation and arising from this data, to design further models of brain tumours."

The BRT will be broadcasting an appeal on BBC Radio 4 throughout the week starting 8 January 2006. The appeal will help to fund the salary and research cost of the fellowship, of which £112,000 has already been raised.

The appeal will be broadcast at 7.55am and 9.26pm on 8 January, and at 3.27pm on 12 January 2006.

BBC presenter Sheena McDonald - who was treated at the National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery, the institute's associated hospital, after suffering a severe head injury - will read the appeal.

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