



Students back London Olympic bid

2 November 2004

Two UCL students joined others from London's higher education institutions demonstrating their support for London's bid for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Graham McNicholl (UCL Union rugby), Ed Harrison (Medical School hockey), Frances Houghton and Vishali Thakrar at Lord’s Cricket Ground

Vishali Thakrar (Clinical Sciences) and Ben Williamson (Economics) backed the bid at a gathering at Lord's Cricket Ground in November 2004.

They met Frances Houghton, a former King's College, London, student who won a silver medal rowing in Athens. She said: "I am delighted that London students have come together to support the bid. Universities will reap many benefits from being part of a city hosting the world's greatest sporting event, and I am glad they are already identifying opportunities."

The show of support was organised by London Higher, an umbrella organisation for London's higher education. Lord's Cricket Ground will be an official Olympic venue for a London 2012 Games.

Image: Graham McNicholl (UCL Union rugby), Ed Harrison (Medical School hockey), Frances Houghton and Vishali Thakrar at Lord's Cricket Ground.
