



Pedestrian grant awarded

13 October 2003

UCL's Accessibility Research Group has been awarded a three year, £2 million, grant to create a new laboratory for investigating issues related to pedestrians and the pedestrian environment.

Professor Nick Tyler

The Pedestrian Accessibility and Movement Laboratory (PAMELA) will have an area of almost 150 square metres, and will include provision for different surfaces and surface profiles, obstacles, lighting and background noise conditions. These will be tested by a wide range of people - including those with various disabilities - to learn how pedestrian interactions affect their ability to move around the public realm.

The project will help in the search for methods to evaluate accessibility, eventually leading to recommendations for improving the design of pedestrian areas.

Professor Nick Tyler heads the group, which is part of UCL's Centre for Transport Studies in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering. He said: "This research affects the whole population at some point. We all use pedestrian areas, and the project will help us learn how to make them safer and more user-friendly."

To find out more about the group use the link below.
