

UCL Department of Space and Climate Physics


Race Equity Pledges

The Department of Space & Climate Physics is committed to challenging the systemic biases and inequities and injustices that affect and disadvantage members of our student and staff body.

These pledges form part of the development of a long-term action plan to break down barriers and bring about the cultural change that is necessary to ensure equity of opportunity for every member of our community.

  1. We will arrange for racial sensitivity training to all staff and students.

  2. We will identify staff to be further trained in fair recruitment practices and include fair recruitment specialists on selection and interview panels; providing fair recruitment guidelines to all staff with line management responsibility.

  3. We will develop and deliver a programme of targeted schools’ outreach activities that are inclusive.

  4. We will provide mandatory training on inclusive education to all teaching staff and bespoke workshops for PhD supervisors on cultural and racial awareness.

Please give us your input and help us to shape the course of these plans to ensure that this a shared journey towards collective change for the better.