

UCL Module Catalogue


Research Project and Dissertation (IFWH0022)

Key information

Faculty of Population Health Sciences
Teaching department
UCL Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Institute for Women's Health
Credit value
The Research Project and Dissertation module is compulsory for and restricted to MSc Reproductive Genetics and Fetal Medicine and MSc Reproductive Science and Women's Health students only.

Alternative credit options

There are no alternative credit options available for this module.


This module is an independent research project culminating in a dissertation of 10,000 words. The Research Project and Dissertation module aims to help you to analyse information in a specialised field, and to design and carry out an independent research project. The project can be laboratory-based, clinically focused, qualitative data-based, an analysis of pre-existing data, or a systematic review or meta-analysis. It may be on a topic of your own choice developed in collaboration with your supervisor, or chosen from a range of topics on offer at the beginning of the academic year (guided by your Programme Director). You will identify your project in Term1. In Term 2, as formative assessment, you will prepare a 2,000 word introduction to your project, its methods and aims and make a short presentation to your peers. For full time students, the research project then takes place full time between June and September.

You may be involved in the conceptualisation, design, data collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of the project. This will allow the development of research skills in a specific field as well as a range of transferable skills, including literature searching, statistical analysis and written and verbal communication.

After you have completed this module you should be able to:

  • Demonstrate increased knowledge and understanding of the chosen topic or field of research;
  • Understand the principles of evaluating evidence from published research and how to appraise the work of others;
  • Demonstrate the skills to formulate a research question, and to data;
  • Write and deliver an oral presentation;
  • Make a logical argument and write an independent dissertation that communicates facts and ideas;
  • Where applicable, use technical skills in the laboratory or apply key methods and concepts of statistical analysis;
  • Work as a team member and independently, manage time and work to deadlines.

Module deliveries for 2024/25 academic year

Intended teaching term: Calendar Year ÌýÌýÌý Postgraduate (FHEQ Level 7)

Teaching and assessment

Mode of study
In person
Methods of assessment
100% Dissertations, extended projects and projects
Mark scheme
Numeric Marks

Other information

Number of students on module in previous year
Module leader
Dr Mariya Hristova
Who to contact for more information

Last updated

This module description was last updated on 8th April 2024.
