

UCL Module Catalogue


Digital Health Research Methods and Tools (GBSH0018)

Key information

Faculty of Population Health Sciences
Teaching department
Global Business School for Health
Credit value
This module is only available for UCL Global Business School for Health students.

Alternative credit options

There are no alternative credit options available for this module.


Although digital solutions for healthcare diagnostics, detention and prevention are growing at an exponential rate, there remains little research evidence for either the benefits or harms of many of these digital solutions. ÌýConsequently, it is extremely important to develop evidence-based insights for the integration and adoption of digital solutions particularly in medical care. ÌýThis module will consider a number of research methods and tools along with the WHO guidance for digital health to help you understand the importance of designing your innovations in a manner that embeds efficacy assessment endpoints that establish the benefits of digital applications. This module provides a comprehensive engagement with the evidence-based approaches (data and literature review) which underpin research developments.
You will encounter a range of frameworks (ethical and legal), data sets and evidence bases which will develop your capacity to identify, interrogate and interpret digital health projects to draw conclusions that will inform their use. Ìý You will have the opportunity to learn about different types of digital health innovations and the ways that researchers undertake studies involving digital health applications such as those used in a clinical setting, consumer health informatics and health apps, patient-generated health data, social media and wearable self-tracking devices. Ìý
You will also explore questions about safety and efficacy particularly as it concerns data privacy and security in terms of the impact it has on the design and conduct of studies for these technologies. ÌýThere will also be readings on the legal, ethical and regulatory aspects of digital health innovations. ÌýMuch of this understanding will come from conducting literature searches, critical reading, statistical analysis and evaluative reports.

Module deliveries for 2024/25 academic year

Intended teaching term: Term 1 ÌýÌýÌý Postgraduate (FHEQ Level 7)

Teaching and assessment

Mode of study
In person
Intended teaching location
UCL East
Methods of assessment
100% Coursework
Mark scheme
Numeric Marks

Other information

Number of students on module in previous year
Module leader
Dr Henry Potts
Who to contact for more information

Last updated

This module description was last updated on 8th April 2024.
