
UCL Faculty of Medical Sciences


Newgiza University and UCL collaborate to deliver academic excellence

UCL Medical School is ranked 8th in the world. We share our expertise to advance innovative healthcare education globally.

Newgiza University

21 October 2020

UCL Medical School is ranked 8th in the world. We share our expertise to advance innovative healthcare education globally.

Established in 2016, Newgiza University (NGU) is based in Cairo, Egypt, minutes from the Great Pyramids. The university is a model for education at the highest international level across the Middle East and North Africa. Our staff at 911 Medical Sciences have collaborated with NGU colleagues since NGU’s inception. The UCL Medical School, UCL School of Pharmacy and UCL Eastman Dental Institute have informed the development and delivery of undergraduate programmes.

Professor Deborah Gill, Director of UCL Medical School and Pro-Vice-Provost (Education and Student Affairs) said: “Education consultancy is one of the ways in which UCL can create lasting and meaningful impact globally by supporting fellow healthcare educators to realise their ambition”.

The success of the partnership has resulted in a new collaboration between NGU and UCL Engineering. UCL Consultants, part of Innovation & Enterprise, has facilitated UCL’s relationship with NGU.

Further reading

Newgiza University & UCL collaborate to train engineering leaders of the future