
Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering


Invited talks


  • Edge-illumination and beam tracking: 25 years of development of mask-based multi-modal x-ray imaging for synchrotron and laboratory x-ray sources, Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Shanghai, China, Apr 15 2024 (Olivo, invited seminar)
  • Recent results and developments in edge-illumination x-ray phase contrast imaging, 6th International Conference on X-ray and Neutron Phase Imaging with Gratings (XNPIG 2024), Shenzhen, China, Apr 8-12 2024 (Olivo, invited)


  • X-ray phase contrast imaging using apertures: from proof-of-concept experiments at synchrotrons to pre-commercial prototypes with conventional sources, Electronic Imaging 2023, San Francisco, US Jan 16-19 2023 (Olivo, invited)
  • Edge Illumination and Beam Tracking for laboratory-based X-ray phase contrast imaging, Centre for Bioengineering and Biotechnology, University of Waterloo, Feb 10 2023 (Endrizzi, invited seminar)
  • Practical deployment of AI-assisted dark-field imaging for explosive detection, Dubai Police Dept (delivered online), May 2 2023 (Olivo, invited seminar)
  • Translating phase-based x-ray imaging modalities from the synchrotron to the benchtop: challenges and opportunities, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, May 4 2023 (Olivo, invited seminar)
  • Intra-operative specimen imaging and digital histology with clinically-compatible x-ray phase contrast micro-tomography, European Congress on Digital Pathology (pre-conference workshop “the Past of the Future”), Budapest, Hungary, Jun 14-17 2023 (Olivo, invited)
  • X-ray phase-contrast solutions for compact and cost-effective tomographic imaging in the lab: from carbon-fibre composites to soft tissue , UC Louvain, July 3 2023 (Endrizzi, invited seminar)
  • Multi-modal x-ray imaging and microscopy with intensity-modulated beams – opportunities for dynamic implementations, SILS 2023, Rome Aug 30-Sept 1 2023 (Olivo, invited keynote)
  • Beam tracking and edge illumination techniques for multi-contrast X-ray micro tomography with laboratory-based systems. Hard X-ray Imaging of Soft Biological Tissues Symposium, The Francis Crick Institute, Oct 17 2023 (Endrizzi, invited seminar)
  • Phase contrast imaging: can x-rays be used differently 130 years after Rontgen’s discovery? Medical Physics 50th Anniversary Celebrations, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, Nov 7 2023 (Olivo, invited)
  • Basic principles and recent developments of edge-illumination x-ray phase contrast imaging, Campus Drie Eiken, Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerp, Belgium, Dec 7 2023 (Olivo, invited seminar)


  • Robust implementations of x-ray phase contrast imaging with conventional sources for translation into medical, industrial and security applications, Boeing Distinguished Research and Scholar Seminar (B-DRASS) series, held remotely (Webex), Aug 2 2022 (Olivo)
  • Prospective applications of x-ray phase contrast imaging to food inspection, Metrix Ltd, Loughborough, UK, Jul 26 2022 (Olivo)
  • Historical perspective on laboratory-based x-ray phase contrast imaging techniques, National Research Facility on X-Ray CT (NXCT) Workshop series, held remotely (Zoom), May 16 2022 (Olivo)
  • Projection imaging and phase retrieval, National Research Facility on X-Ray CT (NXCT) Workshop series, held remotely (Zoom), May 16 2022 (Munro)
  • X-Ray phase contrast computed tomography, National Research Facility on X-Ray CT (NXCT) Workshop series, held remotely (Zoom), May 16 2022 (Hagen)
  • Outlook – advanced methods, National Research Facility on X-Ray CT (NXCT) Workshop series, held remotely (Zoom), May 16 2022 (Cipiccia)
  • Translating advanced x-ray imaging modalities from the synchrotron to the benchtop: challenges and opportunities, IEEE NSS MIC RTSD Conference, Milan, Italy, Nov 5-12 2022 (Olivo, invited keynote)

  • Enhancing explosive detection rates with phase and micro-radian scatter x-ray methods, Rapiscan HQs, Salfords, Surrey, UK, Dec 19 2022 (Olivo, invited seminar)

  • X-ray phase contrast CT for intra-operative imaging and digital histology, 3DHISTECH HQs, Budapest, Hungary (but delivered online), Dec 20 2022 (Olivo, invited seminar)


  • Enhanced detection of threat materials through edge-illumination based x-ray dark field imaging combined with machine learning, Scientific Workshop International Seminar Series (SWISS), held online, Nov 4 2021 (Olivo)

  • Biomedical applications of compact laboratory x-ray phase contrast CT systems based on edge-illumination, EMIM 2021, Goettingen, Germany, Aug 24 2021 (Olivo)

  • Edge-illumination x-ray phase contrast CT for intra-operative imaging and digital histology, EMIM 2021 pre-symposium “X-ray based imaging on different scales for biomedical applications”, Goettingen, Germany, Aug 23 2021 (Olivo)

  • X-Ray Phase-contrast imaging: edge illumination basic principles and their application, Tomography for Scientific Advancement (ToScA) 2021, held online, Sept 1-3 2021 (Endrizzi)

  • X-ray ptychography: from the synchrotron to your laboratory, 22nd International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors (iWoRid 2021), held online, Jun 28-Jul 1 2021 (Cipiccia)

  • X-ray edge illumination using direct detection technology, 22nd International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors (iWoRid 2021), held online, Jun 28-Jul 1 (Endrizzi)

  • X-ray ptychography: from the synchrotron to your laboratory, Excillum Webinar Series, Jun 9 2021 (Cipiccia)

  • Giving x-rays soft tissue sensitivity through phase contrast imaging, held online, UCL Bioimaging Interest Group Seminar Series, May 14 2021 (Olivo)


  • X-Rays do not have soft tissue sensitivity? Think again. CABI Seminar Series, UCL Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging, London, UK, Feb 7 2020 (Olivo)
  • An introduction to x-ray phase contrast imaging and its applications, IMASENIC Headquarters, Barcelona, Spain, Feb 21 2020 (Olivo)
  • Laboratory-based phase contrast tomography, CCPi Tomographic Imaging “Lunch & Learn” Seminar Series, held remotely (Zoom), May 12 2020 (Olivo)
  • •Opportunities for x-ray phase contrast imaging with laser-driven sources, held remotely (Zoom), Community Meeting on Wakefield Acceleration, Sept 8 2020 (Olivo)
  • Edge Illumination phase contrast for synchrotron and laboratory-based X-ray imaging techniques, CABI Seminar Series, UCL Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging, London, UK, 28/2/2020 (Endrizzi)
  • X-ray phase contrast techniques for synchrotron and laboratory-based imaging,Doctoral Schools Lecture, Centre for X-ray Tomography, Department Physics and Astronomy, Ghent University, Belgium, 23/11/2020 (Endrizzi)


  • Incoherent and non-interferometric lab-based x-ray phase contrast imaging: recent scientific developments and first pre-commercial prototypes, ESRF Seminars, Grenoble, France, Dec 18 2019 (Olivo)
  • Origins, state-of-the-art and application perspectives of incoherent x-ray phase contrast imaging methods, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Jan 22 2019 (Olivo)
  • Origins, state-of-the-art and prospective applications of intensity-modulation based incoherent phase imaging, LANL Physics/Theory Colloquium Series, Los Alamos National Lab, New Mexico, US, Mar 14 2019 (Olivo/Endrizzi– joint seminar)
  • Phase contrast imaging: giving x-rays soft tissue sensitivity, Medical Imaging Convention 2019, NEC Birmingham, Mar 26-27 2019 (Olivo)
  • Incoherent x-ray phase contrast imaging methods based on intensity modulation, Direct Conversion AIC Opening Symposium,GraefelingApplication and Innovation Centre, Munich, Germany, Jul 5-6 2019 (Olivo)
  • Edge illuminationphaseimaging,IntACT1stAdvanced Course: Tomography with alternative contrast mechanisms, Cairns, Australia,Jul 18-20 2019 (Munro)
  • Edge illumination x-ray phase contrast tomography, International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures, Cairns, Australia,Jul 22-26 2019 (Munro)
  • Enhanced sensitivity to soft biological tissues through fast and dose-efficient laboratory-based phase contrast CT, Advanced Physics for Medicine, La Sapienza, Rome, Italy Sept 16-18 2019 (Olivo)
  • Incoherent and multi-modal implementations of phase-based x-ray imaging and tomography, Physics Colloquia, CampusGroenenberger, Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerp, Belgium, Oct 3 2019 (Olivo)
  • A fast edgeillumination basedphase contrast CT prototype for intraoperative specimen imaging,5thinternational conference on X-Ray and Neutron Phase Imaging with Gratings (XNPIG 2019), Sendai, Japan, 20-24 Oct 2019 (Massimi)
  • Historical view of x-ray imaging especially using phase information, 5thinternational conference on X-Ray and Neutron Phase Imaging with Gratings (XNPIG 2019), Sendai, Japan, 20-24 Oct 2019 (Olivo)
  • Detecting the undetectable – transforming the use of x-rays 124 years after their discovery, UCL Minds Lunch Hour Lectures, UCL, Oct 29 2019 (Olivo)
  • Incoherent and multi-modal phase-based x-ray imaging and tomography, workshop on mask-based x-ray imaging, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Lyngby, 7 Nov 2019(Olivo)
  • Edge Illumination phase contrast for synchrotron and laboratory-based X-ray imaging techniques, QLM Monday Seminar, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton, 11 November 2019 (Endrizzi)
  • Incoherent and non-interferometric lab-based x-ray phase contrast imaging: recent scientific developments and first pre-commercial prototypes, ESRF Seminars, Grenoble, France,Dec182019(Olivo)


  • Edge Illumination: key results obtained with a non-interferometric and incoherent x-ray phase contrast imaging technique (keynote), International Symposium on BioMedical Applications of X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging – IMXP 2018, Garmish-Partenkirchen, Germany, Jan 18-19 2018 (Olivo)
  • Laboratory based X-ray phase imaging for bio-medicine, Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia, March 5 2018 (Munro)
  • Translation of x-ray phase contrast imaging into real-world applications, 9th KTN Intelligent Imaging Workshop, the Lighthouse, Glasgow, Mar 15 2018 (Olivo)
  • Multi-modal detection of threat materials with x-rays, Future Aviation Security Solutions Collaboration event, London, UK, June 7 2018 (Vittoria)
  • Introduction to x-ray phase contrast computed tomography, Centrum for Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI), Netherlands, 10 Jun 2018 (Hagen)
  • X-ray phase contrast computed tomography: from synchrotrons to x-ray tubes to real world applications , Physics Department of the Univeristy of Antwerp, Belgium, 15 Jun 2018 (Hagen)
  • Non-interferometric approaches to x-ray phase contrast imaging (keynote), 17th International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS 2018), Jul 22-27 2018, Krakow, Poland (Olivo).
  • The evolution of edge-illumination x-ray phase contrast imaging and its prospective clinical translation to breast-related applications, 3rd European training school on the application of computer models for the advancement of x-ray breast imaging techniques (MAXIMA), Sept 17-19, Naples, Italy (Olivo)
  • Edge illumination X-ray phase contrast: laboratory and synchrotron methods for phase and dark-field imaging,Physics University of Wuerzburg, Fraunhofer IIS, 24 October 2018 (Endrizzi)


  • XPCI: X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging, X-rays, a tool for science and technology: interaction with matter, detection techniques, applications. Politecnico di Milano, Italy, Feb 20-21 2017 (Olivo)
  • “Edge illumination X-ray phase-contrast imaging: principles and applications”, Kioloa NSW, 7-10 March 2017 (Endrizzi)
  • Fast and low-dose phase contrast CT with non-microfocallaboratory sources, SPIE Developments in X-Ray Tomography XI, San Diego, CA, US Aug 8-10 2017 (Olivo)
  • Laboratory and synchrotron implementations of edge illumination X-Ray phase contrast imaging”, International Workshop in Imaging,Varenna, Italy, Sept 4-8 2017 (Endrizzi)
  • Recent developments in edge-illumination XPCI and comparison of basic principles vs. grating interferometry, XNPIG 2017, Zurich, Switzerland, Sept 12-15 2017 (Olivo)
  • New Zeff/SCATTefffrom 8-dimensional data acquired in a single scan, UK Security Expo 2017, Olympia, London, Nov 29-30 2017(Olivo)
  • Detecting explosives and weapons via high-throughput multi-modal x-ray imaging, UK Security Expo 2017, Olympia, London, Nov 29-30 2017(Olivo)
  • How a structured scintillator might allow simpler clinical translation of x-ray phase contrast imaging for clinical use,ScintacorHeadquarters, Cambridge, UK, 20 Dec 2017 (Olivo)


  • Status and perspectives of edge-illumination x-ray phase contrast imaging, Nikon Metrology UK Headquarters, Tring, Herts, 24 Feb 2016 (Olivo)
  • Practical x-ray phase contrast imaging, KTN workshop on Advanced Sensing for Biosciences and Healthcare, Ambassador Hotel, London, 16 Mar 2016 (Olivo)
  • Edge illumination x-ray phase contrast imaging: state of the art and new developments, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, Maryland, March 17 2016 (Diemoz)
  • X-ray phase contrast imaging (XPCI) and its potential applications in cancer research, UCL Cancer Institute, 21 April 2016 (Olivo)
  • Enhanced detection of weapons and explosives through x-ray phase contrast and dark field imaging, Advanced Development for Security Applications (ASDA) Workshop 14, Northeastern University, Boston, Mass, May 10-11 2016 (Olivo)
  • Can the use of x-rays be transformed 120 years after their discovery? X-ray phase contrast imaging and its translation towards clinical and other applications, Medical Image Computing Summer School (MedICSS 2016), UCL, Aug 18-22 2016 (Olivo)
  • Origins, development and current state-of-the-art of edge-illumination x-ray phase contrast imaging, MART-3D: Advanced summer school on reconstruction methods in tomography, Carcans, Bordeaux, France Sept 12-16 2016 (Olivo)
  • Prospective use of laser-driven sources for x-ray phase contrast imaging, uroNNAC and EuPRAXIA workshop on pilot applications of electron plasma accelarators (PAEPA), Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, Oct 11-13 2016 (Olivo)
  • Edge-illumination – state-of-the-art and future perspectives of an incoherent x-ray phase contrast imaging method, ANKA Seminar Series, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany, Nov 7 2016 (Olivo)
  • Phase contrast: a different approach to the use of x-ray imaging for biomedical applications, CMM Seminar Series, Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, University of Bristol, UK, Nov 15 2016 (Olivo)
  • State-of-the-art and future perspectives of a non-interferometric incoherent x-ray phase contrast imaging method, SFB Seminar Series, Faculty of Physics, Georg-August-Universitat Gottingen, Germany, Dec 1 2016 (Olivo)
  • Translation of x-ray phase-contrast imaging from synchrotron to laboratory using the edge illumination technique, IOP Medical Physics Group Annual Scientific and Networking Meeting – Up and Coming Techniques in Medical Physics Translated into Clinical Practice, Institute of Physics, London, UK, Dec 2 2016 (Endrizzi)


  • Artefacts in X-Ray Tomography, 9-13 Feb 2015, Leiden, Netherlands (Hagen)
  • Translating edge-illumination based x-ray phase contrast imaging into in vivo clinical applications, Siemens HQs, Erlangen, Germany, Apr 13 2015 (Olivo)
  • Translating edge-illumination based x-ray phase contrast imaging into mammography and other applications, GE Healthcare HQs, Buc, France, Apr 22 2015 (Olivo)
  • Methods for fast tomography in edge illumination X-ray phase-contrast imaging and other differential phase techniques, International workshop on “Challenges in X-ray tomography” (part of the EXTREMA COST action) Grenoble, France, May 18-20 2015 (Diemoz)
  • Phase contrast imaging and tomography with hard x-rays – prospective applications to various areas including electrochemical devices, STFC Global Challenge Network in Batteries and Electrochemical Energy Devices, Cosener’s House, Abingdon, Jun 30 – Jul 1 2015 (Olivo)
  • Conventional vs. phase-based x-ray imaging: where does the transformative potential of the latter come from, and can we exploit it in clinical applications? Medical Image Computing Summer School (MedICSS 2015), UCL, Aug 10-14 2015 (Olivo)
  • Removing the roadblocks to clinical translation of x-ray phase contrast imaging using the edge-illumination method, IEEE EMBS Conference, Mini-symposium on “Frontiers in Phase Contrast X-ray imaging for Biomedical Application, Milan, Italy, Aug 26 2015 (Olivo)
  • Towards the translation of x-ray phase contrast imaging into clinical applications, IPEM Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Conference 2015, Liverpool, UK, Sept 8-10 2015 (Olivo)
  • Portable x-ray phase contrast tomography (a.k.a. “incoherent approaches to x-ray phase contrast imaging with conventional x-ray sources”), International Workshop on Imaging, Varenna (Lecco), Italy, Sept 7-10 2015 (Olivo)
  • Using X-ray imaging to improve quantitative photoacoustic tomography of small animals, Workshop on Quantitative Photoacoustic Imaging, Berlin, Germany, Sept 10-11 2015 (Munro)
  • Is relaxing the coherence requirements a necessary step to enable a clinical translation of x-ray phase contrast imaging? (keynote), 8th International Symposium on Medical Applications of Synchrotron Radiation (MASR), Grenoble & Villard De Lans, France, October 5-9 2015 (Olivo).
  • Multi-modal phase-based x-ray imaging: detecting the undetectable, John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science, University of Oxford, 29 Oct 2015 (Olivo)
  • Seeing invisible things with X-Rays, “Alumnorum Colloquia” series, Department of Physics, University of Trieste, 17 Dec 2015 (Olivo)


  • Enhancing phase sensitivity through edge-illumination, ESRF Users meeting 2014, Grenoble, Feb 3-5 2014 (Olivo)
  • Coded-aperture x-ray phase contrast imaging, Horizon 2020 Secure Society UK, London Feb 18 2014 (Endrizzi)
  • Enhanced image sensitivity using edge illumination X-ray phase-contrast imaging: from synchrotrons to X-ray tubes, V Topical Day on Imaging and Image Analysys, EMPA, Dubendorf, Switzerland, April 8 2014 (Diemoz)
  • Edge illumination x-ray phase contrast imaging – from planar to tomography, “Vision Lecture”, Vision Lab (Antwerp, Belgium), 9-11 April 2014 (Hagen)
  • Edge-illumination XPCi: an intrinsically incoherent phase contrast method, Coherent and incoherent x-ray imaging and tomography, EU “COST” Actions, La Sapienza, Rome, Italy, May 14-16 2014 (Olivo)
  • X-ray phase contrast imaging (XPCI) for small animal CT based on edge-illumination/coded aperture, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, MD, Aug 4 2014 (C-M. Tang - CEO Creatv Microtech - on behalf of the UCL AXIm Group)
  • Dark field, microscopic and tomographic implementations of edge-illumination phase contrast imaging, Diamond SR User Meeting 2014, Diamond Light Source, Oxfordshire, 3-4 Sept 2014 (Endrizzi)
  • High sensitivity and flexibility of the Edge Illumination phase contrast approach implemented with coherent sources, Diamond SR User Meeting 2014, Diamond Light Source, Oxfordshire, 3-4 Sept 2014 (Vittoria)
  • Current status and future perspective of edge-illumination x-ray phase contrast imaging, XTOP 2014, Villard De Lans, France, Sept 14-19 2014 (Olivo)
  • Detecting explosives and weapons via high-throughput multi-modal x-ray imaging, IRC Showcase, The Royal Institution of Great Britain, London, UK, Sept 23 2014 (Olivo)
  • Making the invisible visible – x-ray phase contrast imaging, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Oxford, Nov 11 2014 (Olivo)
  • Tomographic x-ray phase contrast imaging with the edge illumination method, Thematic Workshop on Advanced X-Ray Imaging, 11-12 Dec 2014, Trieste, Italy (Hagen)


  • Medicine, material science and security: the versatility of the coded-aperture approach, Taking x-ray phase contrast imaging into mainstream applications, The Royal Society, London, UK, Feb 11-12 2013 (Munro)
  • The UCL X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging Method: enhanced sensitivity at synchrotrons and easier translation to conventional sources, UCL Centre for Neuroimaging Techniques, Institute of Neurology, 7 Mar 2013 (Olivo)
  • Phase contrast imaging with conventional x-ray sources at acceptable dose levels and exposure times, Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (“March” Meeting), March 18-22 2013 Baltimore, MD (Olivo)
  • X-ray phase contrast tomography using edge illumination, UCL Centre for Inverse Problems: Opening Meeting, London, UK, 18-21 March 2013 (Hagen)
  • How to achieve acceptable dose levels and exposure times in Phase contrast imaging with conventional x-ray sources, Creatv Microtech Headquarters, Potomac, MD, March 20 2013 (Olivo)
  • X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging using conventional sources, University of Western Australia, Perth, March 21, 2013 (Munro)
  • A comparison between coded-aperture and grating-based x-ray phase contrast methods: why the former are more suited for clinical translation, Dexela/Perkin Elmer London HQs, March 28 2013 (Olivo)
  • Why could the edge-illumination/coded-aperture x-ray phase contrast imaging method allow for an easier translation into medical and other applications?, Faculty of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada, May 9 2013 (Olivo)
  • X-ray phase-contrast imaging with edge illumination and coded aperture systems, University of Pisa, 22 July 2013 (Endrizzi)
  • Why could the edge-illuminaiton/coded aperture x-ray phase contrast imaging (XPCi) method allow for an easier translation into medical and other applications?, FDA Headquarters, Silver Spring, MD, Jul 24 2013 (C-M. Tang - CEO Creatv Microtech - on behalf of the UCL AXIm Group)
  • Sviluppo delle tecnologie a contrasto di fase per applicazioni mediche e biologiche - dai sincrotroni alle sorgenti X convenzionali (closing keynote lecture), 99th National SIF (Italian Society of Physics) Congress, Trieste, Italy, Sept 23-27 2013 (Olivo)
  • X-ray phase contrast imaging – detecting the undetectable, Biological and Soft System Sector, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University Nov 8th 2013 (Olivo).
  • Edge-illumination phase contrast imaging with conventional x-ray sources: simplified setup, low dose, high stability, acceptable exposure times, Food and Drug Administration Headquarters, Silver Spring, MD, 9 Dec 2013 (Olivo


  • “Edge illumination” in x-ray phase contrast imaging, International Workshop on X-ray and Neutron Phase Imaging with Gratings (XNPIG), Mational Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan), Tokyo, Japan, Mar 5-7 2012 (Olivo)
  • Seeing invisible things with x-rays: x-ray phase contrast imaging, IBME “MedTech” Week, June 18-22 2012, UCL, London, UK (Olivo)
  • Applications of a non-interferometric x-ray phase contrast imaging method with both synchrotron and conventional sources (plenary), 7th International Symposium on Medical Applications of Synchrotron Radiation (MASR), Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF), October 17-20 2012 (Olivo).
  • Seeing invisible things (possibly while in full possession of your mental capacities): x-ray phase-contrast imaging, Kings College London, Centre for Neuroimaging Science, Nov 20 2012 (Olivo)


  • Coded-aperture x-ray phase contrast imaging: a non-interferometric method working with conventional x-ray sources, ESRF Tuesday Events, ESRF, Grenoble, France, Mar 1 2011 (Olivo)
  • Coded-aperture X-ray phase contrast imaging: a non-interferometric method suitable for use with synchrotron radiation and conventional sources, Workshop on phase modulation methods, Harwell Research Complex, Didcot, UK, June 23 2011 (Olivo)
  • A new generation of baggage scanning systems based on x-ray phase contrast imaging (opening lecture), Gordon Research Conference on detecting illicit substances, Barga, Lucca Italy, June 26–30 2011 (Olivo)
  • Medical applications of a novel x-ray phase contrast imaging method working with conventional sources (keynote), Bioengineering11, Queen Mary, University of London, London Sept 12-13 2011 (Olivo)
  • The development of innovative imaging technologies to probe the mechanisms of tissue regeneration in vivo, Summit on Regenerative Medicine - an Italy-UK workshop organised by the Italian Embassy in London and the School of Science Technology and Health of the University Campus Suffolk, UCS, Ipswich, UK Dec 12 2011 (Olivo)


  • X-Ray phase contrast imaging – applications to breast imaging and other fields, ANRAD Headquarters, Montreal, Canada, 9 March 2010 (Olivo)


  • Phase contrast x-ray imaging of breast tumours, UKRC2009, Manchester Central, June 9th 2009 (Olivo)
  • New ways of using x-rays to detect explosives and other threat objects, UCL Security Workshop, July 16th 2009 (Olivo)
  • Leading edge requirements for diagnostic imaging, STFC roundtable on “opportunities for CMOS detectors in medical imaging, Milton Hill House, Steventon, August 20th 2009 (Olivo)
  • Advances in x-ray phase contrast imaging (Keynote), Imaging Techniques in Biomedical Sciences (ITBS 2009), Milos Island, Greece, 13-16 Sept 2009 (Olivo)


  • Imaging with synchrotron radiation, Oxford Summer School on Synchrotron Radiation, St. Hilda’s College, Oxford, Aug 13th 2008 (Olivo)
  • An overview of phase contrast imaging methods and their biological applications, UK Synchrotron Radiation User Meeting, Daresbury Laboratory, UK, 11-12 September 2008 (Olivo)
  • A novel x-ray imaging technique based on coded apertures making phase contrast imaging feasible with conventional sources, Philips Research Europe, Hamburg, Germany, November 18th 2008 (Olivo)


  • An innovative technique making phase contrast imaging feasible with conventional x-ray sources, e2v Technologies Headquarters, Chelmsford, Essex, UK, February 19th 2007 (Olivo)
  • Una tecnica innovative per l’imaging a raggi X in contrasto di fase con sorgenti convenzionali, University of Trieste, Department of Physics, October 26th 2007 (Olivo)