



The Dynamics of Rotating Fluids Meeting 2016

Friday 8 January 2016

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A meeting on the above theme will be held on Friday 9 January 2016 in Room 500 (5th floor of the Mathematics/Students Union building). The programme is as follows:

11.40am Geoff Vallis (Exeter)
Planetary circulations in the limit of zero bottom friction

12.00pm Steve Tobias (Leeds)
Quasi-geostrophic Dynamos: An Asymptotic Theory




1.20pm Vladimir Zeitlin (LMD)
Influence of moist convection and precipitation upon developing barotropic instability of atmospheric vortices in the moist-convective rotating shallow water model

1.40pm Dan Whitt (Cambridge)
Resonant generation and energetics of wind-forced near-inertial motions in a geostrophic flow

2.00pm Mike Cullen (UK Meteorological Office)
The physical significance of weak solutions of the governing equations

2.20pm David Dritschel (St. Andrew's)
The late-time behaviour of a bounded, inviscid two-dimensional flow

2.40pm Colin Cotter (Imperial)
Scalable numerics for atmospheric dynamical cores using compatible finite element methods


3.00pm TEA / COFFEE


3.30pm Vassilios Dallas (Leeds)
Forcing dependent dynamics in rotating turbulence

3.50pm Eugene Benilov (Limerick)
Existence and stability of hydraulic jumps in a viscous flow on the inside of a horizontal rotating cylinder

4.10pm Stephen Griffiths (Leeds)
Destabilisation of shear flows by counter-propagating Alfvén waves at localised magnetic fields

4.30pm Chris Hughes (Liverpool and NOC)
A Rossby whistle in the Caribbean Sea

4.50pm David Hughes (Leeds)
Strong field dynamo action in rapidly rotating convection with no inertia

5.10pm Close

Maps of the UCL site and surrounding area can be found at . All are welcome. Further details can be obtained by e-mailing Gavin Esler: j.g.esler AT ucl.ac.uk.
Please feel free to forward this to anyone who may be interested

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