

Library Services


Animation: Russia, the Soviet Union, Central and Eastern Europe

Index to the animation materials from Russia, the Soviet Union, Central and Eastern Europe held by UCL SSEES Library.

The Call numbers of the discs and tapes on which these films are held are given after the entries. Follow the link to retrieve full details.

DVD language options

For DVD material the original language is indicated, together with brief details of the subtitle options. Many of the DVDs in the collection offer optional subtitles in a range of languages. For further information on these language options, follow the link.

Collection contents

Materials are listed under the following countries:


  • A Conversation with Haris, directed by Sheila Sofian, 2001, 6 minutes, in English
    Call number 


Films by individual directors


  • Miniklip [Miniclip] 1987, 1 minute, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Strast [Passion] 2005, 55 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 


  • Trenirovka [Training] 1984, 2 minutes 15 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Na dĹ­noto [At the Bottom] 1987, 3 minutes 40 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 


See under ALEKSANDROV, Valeri AND BACHVAROV, Vladimir

ILIEV, Vladimir

  • Parad [The Parade] 1975, 5 minutes 41 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 

POPOV, Vladimir

  • Shche tantsuvame rok s vas [Will Dance Rock with You] 1986, 2 minutes 18 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 

VASILEV, Nikolai

  • KranĹ­t koito... [The Tap Which...] 1974, 1 minute 39 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 

Czechoslovakia [to 1992]


  • Dodolovi [The Dodols] NĂĄrodnĂ­ filmovĂ˝ archiv, 2013 This disc contains 27 animated films and one filmed ballet directed by Karel Dodol and Irena DodolovĂĄ in collaboration with HermĂ­na TĂ˝rlovĂĄ and Bedřich Kerten (Friedrich Koehner) and also large numbers of connected documents.
    The films are in Czech with optional English subtitles and are entered below under the individual directors
    Call number 
  • O kocouru Mikesovi a jeho pratelich [About Mikes the Cat and His Friends] Volume 1. Animated serial, based on the illustrations of Josef Lada, KF, 1993. 9 short films: Mikes se uci mluvit; Mikes na pouti; Mikes na hruskach; Mikes se ztratil; Mikes strasi; Mikes vypravi pohadku; Mikes u cirkusu; Jak Mikes zachranil Bobese; Pohadka o klikotoci. Total running time: 60 minutes, in Czech
    Call number 
  • To nejlepsi z vecernicku 1. [The Best Children's Evening Programmes, 1] Czech Television, 1997: consisting of 1. Maxipes Fik [Fik the Maxi-Dog] Two stories: Zrozeni Maxipsa Fika and Zmoudreni Maxipsa Fika; 2. Pribehy vcelich medvidku II [Stories of Bees and Teddy Bears 2] Two stories: Strasidelny klobouk and Rozsypaci hodiny; 3. Z deniku zaka II.B aneb Edudant a Francimor [From the Diary of a Pupil in Class 3B at Francimor] Two stories: Jsou doma and Jdou ven; 4. Bob a Bobek. Kralici z klobouku [Bob and Bobek. Rabbits From a Hat] Two stories: Na ulici and Na zahrade; 5. Rakosnicek a hvezdy [Rakosnicek and the Stars] Two stories: Jak Rakosnicek predjizdel Velku vuz a co z toha bylo and Jak Rakosnicek zachranoval mracky-beranky pred hvezdnym orlem. Total running time: 80 minutes, in Czech
    Call number 

Films by individual directors


  • Labyrinth of Darkness
    This DVD contains the following 8 films: Balada o zelenÊm drevu [A Ballad About Green Wood] 1983, 10 minutes; and Klub odlozených [The Club of the Laid Off] 1989, 24 minutes; and Projekt [The Design] 1981, 6 minutes; and Diskjockey [Disc Jockey] 1980, 9 minutes; and Poslední lup [The Last Theft] 1987, 20 minutes; and Hadanky za bonbón [Riddles for a Candy] 1978, 8 minutes; and Krysar [The Pied Piper of Hamelin] 1985, 53 minutes; and Zaniklý svet rukavic [The Vanished World of Gloves] 1982, 16½ minutes
    Call number 
Individual films
  • Hadanky za bonbĂłn [Riddles for a Candy] 1978, 8 minutes, in Czech with English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Diskjockey [Disc Jockey] 1980, 9 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Projekt [The Design] 1981, 6 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • ZaniklĂ˝ svet rukavic [The Vanished World of Gloves] 1982, 16½ minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Balada o zelenĂŠm drevu [A Ballad About Green Wood] 1983, 10 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Krysar [The Pied Piper of Hamelin] 1985, 53 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • PoslednĂ­ lup [The Last Theft] 1987, 20 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Klub odlozenĂ˝ch [The Club of the Laid Off] 1989, 24 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 


See under BRDEČKA, Jiří AND BEDŘICH, Václav


  • Vzducholoď a lĂĄska [Love and the Zeppelin] 1948, 8 minutes 24 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Jak se človek naucil lĂŠtat [A Comic History of Aviation / How Man Learned to Fly] 1958, 13 minutes 50 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Pozor [Warning!] 1959, 11 minutes 47 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • DrahouĹĄek Klementina [My Darling Clementine] 1959, 6 minutes 35 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • NaĹĄe Karkulka [Our Little Red Riding Hood] 1959, 12 minutes 8 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • ZĂĄvada nenĂ­ na vaĹĄem přjimači [The Television Fan] 1961, 11 minutes seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Rozum a cit [Reason and Emotion] 1962, 15 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • The Frozen logger [ZmrzlĂ˝ dřevař] 1962, 5 minutes 20 seconds, in English with optional Czech subtitles
    Call number 
  • Ĺ patně namalovanĂĄ slepice [Gallina Vogelbirdae (Badly Painted Chicken)] 1963, 13 minutes 5 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Tak na to? [How to Keep Slim] 1963, 10 minutes 38 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • SlĂłvce M [The Letter M / The Minstrel's Song] 1964, 8 minutes 15 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • DezertĂŠr [The Deserter] 1965, 11 minutes 4 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Blaho lĂĄsky [Plaisir d'Amour] [Joy of Love] 1966, 7 minutes 28 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Do lesíčka na čekanou [Forester's Song / Let's Go Hunting in the Woods] 1966, 9 minutes 11 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Proč se usmĂ­vĂĄĹĄ, Mono Liso? [Why Do You Smile, Mona Lisa?] 1966, 12 minutes 36 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Moc osudu [La Forza del destino] [The Power of Destiny] 1968, 6 minutes 19 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Metamorfeus [Metamorpheus] 1969, 13 minutes 26 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Jak se moudrĂ˝ Aristoteles stal jeĹĄtě moudřejĹĄĂ­m [How Wise Aristotle Became Even Wiser] 1970, 11 minutes 3 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Jsouc na řece mlynář jeden [There Was a Miller on the River] 1971, 10 minutes 32 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Tvář [The Face] 1973, 2 minutes 53 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • HornĂ­kova rĹŻĹže [The Miner's Rose] 1974, 7 minutes 45 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • PĂ­seň o harmonice [Accordion Song] 1974, 5 minutes 38 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Co jsem princi neřekla [What I Didn't Say to the Prince] 1975, 9 minutes 9 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Pro nemoc zavřeno [Closed Due to Illness] 1975, 2 minutes 17 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • DvojĂ­ Ĺživot Josefa Hlinomaze [The Double Life of Josef Hlinomaz] directed by Jiří Brdečka, 1976, 11 minutes 23 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • LĂĄĂĄĂĄska! [Love] 1978, 9 minutes 27 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • MoravskĂŠ lidovĂŠ balady: NepoznanĂ˝ [Moravian Folk Ballads: Unrecognised] 1980, 7 minutes 21 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • TřinĂĄctĂĄ komnata Prince Měděnce [Prince Copperslick's Thirteenth Chamber] 1980, 9 minutes 16 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • MoravskĂŠ lidovĂŠ balady: ZbojnĂ­kova Ĺžena [Moravian Folk Ballads: The Outlaw's Wife] 1981, 8 minutes 5 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • MoravskĂŠ lidovĂŠ balady: NeĹĄtastnĂĄ svatba [Moravian Folk Ballads: Unhappy Marriage] 1981, 7 minutes 45 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 

See also under TRNKA, Jiří AND BRDEČKA, Jiří


  • Pomsta [Revenge] 1968, 13 minutes 30 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 


  • Člověk pod vodou [Man under Water] 1961, 17 minutes 49 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 

BRDEČKA, Jiří AND POJAR, Břetislav

  • Smolíček [The Unlucky One] 1973, 12 minutes 27 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 

ČAPEK, Ladislav

See under BRDEČKA, Jiří AND ČAPEK, Ladislav

DODOL, Karel

  • PoučenĂ­ Kocoura Felixe [Felix the Cat Receives a Lesson] 1927, 56 seconds, Czech titles, optional English subtitles, silent with no added music track
    Call number 
  • NovĂŠ dobrodruĹžstvĂ­ Kocoura Felixe [The New Adventures of Felix the Cat] 1927, 1 minute 30 seconds, Czech titles, optional English subtitles, silent with no added music track
    Call number 
  • Plavčíkem na slanĂŠ vodě [A Cabin Boy on Salty Water] 1929, 8 minutes 26 seconds, Czech titles, optional English subtitles, silent with no added music track
    Call number 
  • Bimbovo smutnĂŠ dobrodruĹžstvĂ­ [Bimbo's Unfortunate Adventure] 1930, 9 minutes 52 seconds, Czech titles, optional English subtitles, silent with no added music track
    Call number 
  • ZĂĄhada meznĂ­ku MK 204 [The Mystery of the MK 204 Turning Point] 1934, 3 minutes 28 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 

DODOL, Karel and TÝRLOVÁ, Hermína

  • ZamilovanĂ˝ vodnik [A Water Sprite in Love] 1928, 10 minutes 56 seconds, Czech titles, optional English subtitles, silent with no added music track
    Call number 

DODOLOVÁ, Irena and DODOL, Karel

  • Zkroceni černĂŠho obra [The Taming of the Black Giant] 1935, 4 minutes 25 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Svatba o pĹŻlnoci [A Midnight Wedding] 1935, 4 minutes 52 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Maminčin vĂ˝let do nebe [Mum's Trip to Heaven] 1935, 4 minutes 35 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • VeselĂ˝ koncert [A Cheerful Concert] 1935, 4 minutes 06 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Tluče bubeníček [The Tin Drum] 1936, 3 minutes 12 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • VĹĄudybylovo dobrodruĹžstvĂ­ [The Adventures of a Ubiquitous Fellow] 1936, 12 minutes 28 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles AND ALSO Surviving virage copy: 8 minutes 02 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles AND ALSO Original music recording: 5 minutes 06 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • MalĂ˝ pohled do budoucna [A Brief View of the Future] 1936, 1 minute 17 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Tři muĹži [Three Men] 1936, 2 minutes 05 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • TajemstvĂ­ lucerny [The Secret of the Lucerna Palace] 1936, 2 minutes 22 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • ZnějĂ­cĂ­ vesmĂ­r [The Sounds of Outer Space] 1936, 1minute 54 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • ČarodĂŠj tĂłnĹŻ [The Wizard of Tones] 1936, 1minute 42 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Ĺ mudlĂ­k a Leskulinka [Slattern and Glossie] 1936, 1minute 50 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Fantaisie ĂŠrotique [Erotic Fantasy] 1936, 2 minutes 06 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Hra bublinek [The Play of Bubbles] 1937, 2 minutes 01 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • VĹĄechno pro trhanec [Everything for a Scrambled Pancake!] 1937, 4 minutes 21 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • PĂ­seň podzima [An Autumn Song] 1937, 1 minute 59 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • NezapomenutelnĂ˝ plakĂĄt [The Unforgettable Poster] 1937, 3 minutes 26 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Jaro je tady [Spring is Here] 1937, 1 minute 29 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Protest [The Protest] 1938, 1 minute 28 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • MyĹĄlenka hledajĂ­cĂ­ světlo [Ideas in Search of Light] 1938, 9 minutes 37 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • There Were Three Men, 1947, 8 minutes 49 seconds, in English
    Call number 

POJAR, Břetislav

See under BRDEČKA, Jiří AND POJAR, Břetislav


  • Johanes Doktor Faust, 1958, 16 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 


  • Prokouk hodinářem [Monsieur Prokouk horloger] [Mr Prokouk the Watchmaker] 1972, 9 minutes, no dialogue, brief introduction in French
    Call number 


  • Jan Ĺ vankmajer - The Ossuary and Other Tales
    This DVD contains the following 9 films: Poslední trik Pana Schwarcewalldea a Pana Edgara [The Last Trick of Mr Schwarcewallde and Mr Edgar] 1964, 11 minutes 30 seconds; and J.S. Bach. Fantasia g moll [Johann Sebastian Bach: Fantasia in G Minor] 1965, 9 minutes 30 seconds; and Historia naturae (suita) [The History of Nature (A Suite)] 1967, 9 minutes; and Zahrada [The Garden] 1968, 19 minutes; and Don Sajn [Don Juan] 1970, 31 minutes; and Kostnice [The Ossuary] 1970, 10 minutes; and Otrantský zåmek [The Castle of Otranto] 1977, 17 minutes; and Tma, svetlo, tma [Darkness, Light, Darkness] 1989, 7½ minutes; and MuznÊ hry [Manly Games] [Virile Games] 1988, 14 minutes; all either without dialogue or with English subtitles
    Call number 
  • The Collected Shorts of Jan Ĺ vankmajer, 1965-1992, 86 + 70 minutes, in Czech with English subtitles
    DVD 1 consists of: Spiel mit Steinen [A Game with Stones] 1965, 9 minutes; and Rakvickårna [Punch and Judy] [The Lych House or Coffin Factory] 1966, 10 minutes; and Etcetera, 1966, 7 minutes; and Picknick mit Weismann [Picnic with Weismann] 1969, 13 minutes; and Byt [The Flat] 1968, 13 minutes; and Tichý týden v dome [A Quiet Week in the House] 1969, 19 minutes; and Zanik Domu Usheru [The Fall of the House of Usher] 1980, 15 minutes
    DVD 2 consists of: Moznosti dialogu [Dimensions of dialogue] [Possibilities of Dialogue] 1982, 12 minutes; and Do pivnice [Down to the cellar] 1982, 15 minutes; and Kyvadlo, jĂĄma a nadeje [The Pendulum, the Pit and Hope] 1983, 14 minutes; and ZamilovanĂŠ maso [Meat Love] 1988, 1 minute; and Flora, 1989, 29 seconds; and The Death of Stalinism in Bohemia, 1990, 10 minutes; and Food, 1992
    Call number  and Call number 
  • The Complete Short Films, Early shorts 1964-1972, contains the following 14 films:
    Poslední trik Pana Schwarcewalldea a Pana Edgara [The Last Trick of Mr Schwarcewallde and Mr Edgar] 1964, 11 minutes 30 seconds; and J.S. Bach. Fantasia g moll [Johann Sebastian Bach: Fantasia in G Minor] 1965, 9 minutes 30 seconds; and Spiel mit Steinen [A Game with Stones] and Rakvickårna [Punch and Judy] [The Lych House or Coffin Factory] and Etcetera 1966, 7 minutes; and Historia naturae (suita) [The History of Nature (A Suite)] 1967, 9 minutes; and Zahrada [The Garden] 1968, 19 minutes; and Byt [The Flat] 1968, 13 minutes; and Picknick mit Weismann [Picnic with Weismann] 1969, 13 minutes; and Tichý týden v dome [A Quiet Week in the House] 1969, 19 minutes; and Don Sajn [Don Juan] 1970, 31 minutes; and Kostnice [The Ossuary] 1970, 10 minutes; and Zvahlav aneb saticky Slameneho Huberta [Jabberwocky] 1971, 14 minutes; and Leonarduv Denik [Leonardo's Diary] 1972, 12 minutes
    Call number 
  • The Complete Short Films, Late shorts 1979-1992, contains the following 12 films:
    Otrantský: zåmek [The Castle of Otranto] 1977, 17 minutes; and Zanik Domu Usheru [The Fall of the House of Usher] 1980, 15 minutes; and Moznosti dialogu [Dimensions of dialogue] [Possibilities of Dialogue] 1982, 12 minutes; and Do pivnice [Down to the cellar] 1982, 15 minutes; and Kyvadlo, jåma a nadeje [The Pendulum, the Pit and Hope] 1983, 14 minutes; and MuznÊ hry [Manly Games] [Virile Games] 1988, 14 minutes; and Another Kind of Love, 1988, 4 minutes; and ZamilovanÊ maso [Meat Love] 1988, 1 minutes; and Tma, svetlo, tma [Darkness, Light, Darkness] 1989, 7½ minutes; and Flora, 1989, 29 seconds; and Konec stalinismu v Cechåch [The Death of Stalinism in Bohemia] 1990, 10 minutes; and Jídlo [Food] 1992, 17 minutes
    Call number: 
  • The Complete Short Films, Extras contains the following films:
    Radok - Johanes Doktor Faust 1958, 16 minutes; and Lipský - AdÊla jeste nevecerela [Nick Carter in Prague] 1977, 5 minutes of extracts; and Griffiths - The Cabinet of Jan Švankmajer, 1984, 57 minutes; and Schmitt and Leclerc - Les Chimères des Švankmajer [The Švankmajers' Imaginings] 2001, 58 minutes; and Interview with Švankmajer on Czech television, 2001, 9 minute extract
    Call number 
Individual films
  • PoslednĂ­ trik Pana Schwarcewalldea a Pana Edgara [The Last Trick of Mr Schwarcewallde and Mr Edgar] 1964, 11 minutes 30 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • J.S. Bach. Fantasia g moll [Johann Sebastian Bach: Fantasia in G Minor] 1965, 9 minutes 30 seconds
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • Spiel mit Steinen [A Game with Stones] 1965, 9 minutes
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • Etcetera, 1966, 7 minutes
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • RakvickĂĄrna [Punch and Judy] [The Lych House or Coffin Factory] 1966, 10 minutes
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • Historia naturae (suita) [The History of Nature (A Suite)] 1967, 9 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • Byt [The Flat] 1968, 13 minutes
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • Zahrada [The Garden] 1968, 19 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • Picknick mit Weismann [Picnic with Weismann] 1969, 13 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • TichĂ˝ tĂ˝den v dome [A Quiet Week in the House] 1969, 19 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • Don Sajn [Don Juan] 1970, 31 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call numebr 
    Call number 
  • Kostnice [The Ossuary] 1970, 10 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • Zvahlav aneb saticky Slameneho Huberta [Jabberwocky] 1971, 14 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Leonarduv Denik [Leonardo's Diary] 1972, 12 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • OtrantskĂ˝ zĂĄmek [The Castle of Otranto] 1977, 17 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • Zanik Domu Usheru [The Fall of the House of Usher] 1980, 15 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • Do pivnice [Down to the cellar] 1982, 15 minutes
    Call number  in Czech with English subtitles
    Call number  in Czech with optional English subtitles
  • Moznosti dialogu [Dimensions of dialogue] [Possibilities of Dialogue] 1982, 12 minutes
    Call number  in Czech with English subtitles
    Call number  in Czech with optional English subtitles
  • Kyvadlo, jĂĄma a nadeje [The Pendulum, the Pit and Hope] 1983, 14 minutes
    Call number  in Czech with English subtitles
    Call number  in Czech with optional English subtitles
  • Alice [animation and live action] 1988, 86 minutes, English language version
    Call number 
  • MuznĂŠ hry [Manly Games] [Virile Games] 1988, no dialogue, 14 minutes
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • Another Kind of Love, 1988, 4 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • ZamilovanĂŠ maso [Meat Love] 1988, 1 minute
    Call number  in Czech with English subtitles
    Call number  in Czech with optional English subtitles
  • Flora, 1989, 29 seconds
    Call number  in Czech with English subtitles
    Call number  in Czech with optional English subtitles
  • Tma, svetlo, tma [Darkness, Light, Darkness] 1989, 7½ minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • Konec stalinismu v CechĂĄch [The Death of Stalinism in Bohemia] 1990, 10 minutes
    Call number  in Czech with English subtitles
    Call number  in Czech with optional English subtitles
  • JĂ­dlo [Food] 1992, 17 minutes
    Call number 
    Call number  in English
    Call number  in Czech with optional English subtitles

See also Czech Republic Animation,ĚýCzechoslovak Feature FilmsĚý˛š˛ÔťĺĚýCzech Feature Films by Ĺ VANKMAJER


  • PĂŠrĂĄk a SS [The Springer and the SS-Men] 1946, 13 minutes 29 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 

TÝRLOVÁ, Hermína

  • Ferda Mravenec. Jak se mel Ferda ve svete a prihody brouka Pytilka [Ferda the Ant. How Ferda Lived in the World and Stories about his Friend Little Back] 1978, 60 minutes
    Call number 

See also under Dodol and Týrlovå

ZEMAN, Bořivoj

  • VĂĄnočnĂ­ sen [RĂŞve de NoĂŤl] [The Christmas Dream] 1945, 11 minutes, no dialogue, brief introduction in French
    Call number 

ZEMAN, Karel

  • Křeček [Le Hamster] [The Hamster] 1946, 8 minutes, no dialogue, brief introduction in French
    Call number 
  • Podkova pro ĹĄtěstĂ­ [Pan Prokouk: Podkova pro ĹĄtěstĂ­] [Un Fer Ă  cheval porte-bonheur] [A Horseshoe for Happiness] 1946, 5 minutes, no dialogue, brief introduction in French
    Call number 
  • Inspirace [Inspiration] 1948
    Call number  11 minutes, no dialogue, brief introduction in French
    Call number  11 minutes 30 seconds, no dialogue (Blu ray disc)
  • KrĂĄl LĂĄvra [Le Roi Lavra] [King Lavra] 1950
    Call number  28 minutes 26 seconds, no dialogue, brief introduction in French
    Call number  29 minutes 37 seconds, no dialogue (Blu ray disc)
  • ČarodějĹŻv učeň [The Sorcerer's Apprentice] 1977, 73 minutes, in Czech with optional Czech and English subtitles
    Call number 
  • PohĂĄdka o HonzĂ­kovi a Mařence [The Tale of John and Mary] 1980, 65 minutes, in Czech with optional Czech and English subtitles
    Call number 

See also under Karel ZEMAN in the Index of Central and East European Feature Films.

Materials on animation and animators

  • ZlatĂ˝ věk českĂŠ loutkovĂŠ animace [The Golden Age of Czech Puppet Animation] 2010, 61 minutes, in Czech with optional Czech, English, French and German subtitles
    Call number 

Czech Republic

Films by individual directors

LUŇÁK, Tomáš

  • Alois Nebel, 2011, 82 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number 


  • Faust [English version. Czech title: Lekce Faust] 1994, 92 minutes, in English
    Call number 
  • Spiklenci slasti [Conspirators of Pleasure] 1996, 72 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 

See also Czechoslovak Animation,ĚýCzechoslovak Feature FilmsĚý˛š˛ÔťĺĚýCzech Feature Films by Ĺ VANKMAJER


Films by individual directors


  • Gene+Ratio, 2005, 16 minutes, in Estonian with optional German, English, French, Portuguese and Spanish subtitles
    Call number 


See under PÄRN, Priit AND MARCHENKO, Ol´ga

PÄRN, Olga

See under PÄRN, Priit AND PÄRN, Olga

PÄRN, Priit

  • Kas maakera on Ăźmmargune? [Is the Earth Round?] 1977, 9 minutes 56 seconds, in Estonian with optional French, English and Japanese subtitles
    Call number 
  • ...Ja teeb trikke [... And Plays Tricks] 1979, 9 minutes 55 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Harjutusi iseseisvaks eluks [Some Exercises in Preparation for Independent Life] 1980, 8 minutes 37 seconds, in Estonian with optional French, English and Japanese subtitles
    Call number 
  • Kolmnurk [The Triangle] 1982, 14 minutes 41 seconds, in Estonian with optional French, English and Japanese subtitles
    Call number 
  • Hotell E [Hotel E] [Otel´ E] 1992, 28 minutes 30 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • Porgandite ÜÜ [Night of the Carrots] 1998, 28 minutes 44 seconds, in Estonian with optional French, English and Japanese subtitles
    Call number 
  • Karl ja Marilyn [Karl and Marilyn] 2003, 23 minutes 49 seconds, in Estonian with optional French, English and Japanese subtitles
    Call number 

See also under Russia, Soviet Union


  • Ma kuklas tunnen [I Feel a Longlife Bullet in the Back of My Head] 2007, 2 minutes 20 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Elu ilma Gabriella Ferrita [Life without Gabriella Ferri] 2008, 43 minutes 47 seconds, in Estonian with optional French, English and Japanese subtitles
    Call number 

PÄRN, Priit AND PÄRN, Olga

  • Tuukrid vihmas [Divers in the Rain] 2009, 24 minutes 13 seconds, in Estonian with optional French, English and Japanese subtitles
    Call number 


  • 1895, 1995, 29 minutes 7 seconds, in Estonian with optional French, English and Japanese subtitles
    Call number 


See under PÄRN, Priit AND PÕLDMA, Janno

German Democratic Republic


  • Red Cartoons: Animated Films from East Germany, consisting of:
    Paukenschlag [Drum Beat] (Otto Sacher, 1974); and Stern und Blume [Star and Flower] (Otto Sacher, 1978); and Einsamkeit [Loneliness] (Otto Sacher, 1979); and Varianten [Variants] (Klaus Georgi, 1979); and Die Rettung [The Rescue] (Sieglinde Hamacher, 1980); and Sieben Rechte für den Zuschauer [Seven Rights of a Viewer] (Marion Rasche / Peter Mißbach, 1980); and Herr Daff Macht Eine Filmaufnahme [Mr Daff is Shooting a Film] (Klaus Georgi, 1980); and Hello (Hans Moser / Thomas Rosié, 1984); and Konsequenz [Consequence] (Klaus Georgi, 1986); and Die Lösung [The Solution] (Sieglinde Hamacher, 1987); and Bauch und Seele [Belly and Soul] (Klaus Georgi, 1988); and Die Panne [The Breakdown] (Klaus Georgi / Lutz Stützner, 1988); and Der Kreis [The Full Circle] (Klaus Georgi, 1988); and Das Monument [The Monument] (Klaus Georgi / Lutz Stützner, 1989); and Sonntag [Sunday] (Klaus Georgi / Lutz Stützner, 1989); and Inselwitz [Island Joke] (Lutz Stützner, 1990); Total running time 57 minutes, in German with English subtitles
    Call number 

Films by individual directors


  • Varianten [Variants] 1979, 2 minutes 36 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Herr Daff Macht Eine Filmaufnahme [Mr Daff is Shooting a Film] 1980, 4 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Konsequenz [Consequence] 1986, 2 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Bauch und Seele [Belly and Soul] 1988, 4 minutes 19 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Der Kreis [The Full Circle] 1988, 3 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 

GEORGI, Klaus and STÜTZNER, Lutz

  • Die Panne [The Breakdown] 1988, 3 minutes 17 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Das Monument [The Monument] 1989, 3 minutes 50 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Sonntag [Sunday] 1989, 2½ minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 

HAMACHER, Sieglinde

  • Die Rettung [The Rescue] 1980, 4 minutes 40 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Die LĂśsung [The Solution] 1987, 3½ minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 


See under Rasche and Mißbach

MOSER, Hans and ROSIÉ, Thomas

  • Hello, 1984, 5 minutes 25 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 

RASCHE, Marion and MISSBACH, Peter

  • Sieben Rechte fĂźr den Zuschauer [Seven Rights of a Viewer] 1980, 1 minute 47 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 

ROSIÉ, Thomas

See under Moser and RosiÊ


  • Paukenschlag [Drum Beat] 1974, 2 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Stern und Blume [Star and Flower] 1978, 3 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Einsamkeit [Loneliness] 1979, 2 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 


  • Inselwitz [Island Joke] 1990, 2 minutes 25 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 

See also under Georgi and Stßtzner


Films by individual directors


  • A pirospĂśttyĂśs labda [A Ball with White Dots] 1961, 9 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 

DARGAY, Attila

  • VariĂĄciĂłk egy sĂĄrkĂĄnyra [Variations on a Dragon] 1967, 8 minutes, in Hungarian with optional English subtitles and optional Hungarian subtitles for the hearing impaired
    Call number 


  • ElloptĂĄk a vitaminomat [Apple Thieves] 1966, 8 minutes, in Hungarian with optional English subtitles and optional Hungarian subtitles for the hearing impaired
    Call number 

GÉMES, József

  • A torkos menyĂŠt [The Greedy Weasel] 1964, 3 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • KoncertissimĂł [Concertissimo] 1968, 3 minutes
    Call number  no dialogue
    Call number  in Hungarian with optional English subtitles
  • DĂ­szlĂŠpĂŠs [Parade Step] 1969, 5 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • TemetĂŠs [Funeral] 1970, 2 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • SĂźn barĂĄtom [My Friend the Hedgehog] 1976, 2 minutes 40 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • DaliĂĄs idők [Heroic Times] 1984, 80 minutes, in Hungarian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Vili, a verĂŠb [Willy the Sparrow] 1988, 77 minutes, in Hungarian with optional English subtitles and optional Hungarian subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
    Call number 


  • HĂ­davatĂĄs [Inauguration] 1969, 4 minutes, in Hungarian with optional English subtitles and optional Hungarian subtitles for the hearing impaired
    Call number 


  • ÁtvĂĄltozĂĄsok [Double Portraits] 1964, 7 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Hamlet, 1967, 13 minutes, in Hungarian with optional English subtitles and optional Hungarian subtitles for the hearing impaired
    Call number 


  • MacskĂĄssy Gyula. AnimĂĄcios, reklĂĄm, mese- ĂŠs rĂśvidfilmek (1936-1971, vĂĄlogatas) [MacskĂĄssy Gyula. Animation, advertising, tales and short films (1936-1971, a selection)
    1. Boldog kirĂĄly kincse [Treasure of the Merry King] 1936, 1 minute 57 seconds
    2. A szerelmes masiniszta [Steam-Roller Driver in Love] 1938, 1 minute 1 second
    3. Zeusz inkognitĂłban [Zeus Incognito] 1938, 1 minute 18 seconds
    4. 7 slĂĄger [7 Hits] 1939, 50 seconds
    5. A lĂĄthatatlan vendĂŠg [The Invisible Guest] 1939, 1 minute 20 seconds
    6. IzzĂł szerelem [Glowing Love] 1939, 2 minutes 14 seconds
    7. Schmoll Symphonia [Schmoll Symphony] 1939, 1 minute
    8. Hamupipőke mesés mosása [Cinderella's Fairy Wash] 1940, 2 minutes 45 seconds
    9. Van rĂĄdiĂłja? [Do you Have a Radio?] 1940, 28 seconds
    10. A szerencsĂŠs flĂłtĂĄs [The Lucky Marine] 1942, 44 seconds
    11. Estétől reggelig [From Dusk to Dawn] 1942, 1 minute 35 seconds
    12. FĂŠny [Light] 1942, 1 minute 21 seconds
    13. Pezsgő ritmusok [Bubbling Rhythms] 1942, 59 seconds
    14. 2 kicsi szem [Two Tiny Pills] 1948, 1 minute 14 seconds
    15. Kis Újság [Little Newspaper] 1948, 2 minutes 58 seconds
    16. Az ĂşjsĂĄg tĂśrtĂŠnete [The History of the Newspaper] 1948, 2 minutes 59 seconds
    17. A kiskakas gyĂŠmĂĄnt fĂŠlkrajcĂĄrja (rĂŠszlet) [The Little Rooster's Diamond Halfpenny - excerpt] 1951, 5 minutes 18 seconds
    18. KĂŠt bors ĂśkrĂścske (rĂŠszlet, [Two Pepper Corn Steers -excerpt] 1955, 27 minute 16 seconds
    19. Okos lĂĄny - TakarĂŠkbetĂŠtkĂśnyv! [Clever Girl - Savings Book!] 1955, 9 minutes 53 seconds
    20. Okos lĂĄny (rĂŠszlet) [Clever Girl - excerpt] 1956, 5 minutes 34 seconds
    21. EgĂŠr ĂŠs oroszlĂĄn (rĂŠszlet) [Mouse and Lion - excerpt] 1957, 5 minutes 19 seconds
    22. Magyar mĂŠz [Hungarian Honey] 1957, 2 minutes 21 seconds
    23. Telhetetlen mĂŠhecske (rĂŠszlet) [The Greedy Bee - excerpt] 1958, 6 minutes 39 seconds
    24. Angyali tĂśrtĂŠnet [Angelic Story] 1958, 2 minutes 44 seconds
    25. Hol az a macska? [Where is that Cat?] 1959, 1 minute 41 seconds
    26. A ceruza ĂŠs a radĂ­r [The Pencil and the Rubber] 1960, 9 minutes 10 seconds
    27. PĂĄrbaj [A Duel], 1961, 9 minutes 3 seconds
    28. Peti ĂŠs a gĂŠpember [Peter and the Machine Man] 1961, 10 minutes 25 seconds
    29. 1, 2, 3, - A szĂĄmok tĂśrtĂŠnete (rĂŠszlet) [1, 2, 3, - History of Numbers - excerpt] 1962, 4 minutes 38 seconds
    30. Romantikus tĂśrtĂŠnet [Romantic Story] 1964, 5 minutes 44 seconds
    31. TĂ­z deka halhatatlansĂĄg [100 Grams of Immortality] 1966, 9 minutes 9 seconds
    32. Kis ember, nagy vĂĄros (rĂŠszlet) [Little Man, Big City- excerpt ] 1967, 6 minutes 24 seconds
    33. A nagyember [Mr Great Man] 1968, 2 minutes 49 seconds
    34. Az Ăśreg [The Old] 1971, 2 minutes 5 seconds
    Total running time: 148 minutes, in Hungarian with English subtitles where there is dialogue
    Call number 
Individual films
  • A ceruza ĂŠs a radĂ­r [The Pencil and the Rubber] 1960, no dialogue
    Call number  9 minutes
    Call number  9 minutes 10 seconds
  • TĂ­z deka halhatatlansĂĄg [100 Grams of Immortality] 1966, no dialogue
    Call number  9 minutes
    Call number  9 minutes 9 seconds
  • A rĂĄcs [The Bars] 1970, 1 minutes 22 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 

NEPP, JĂłzsef

  • Mese a bogĂĄrrĂłl [A Tale about a Beetle] 1963, 7 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Öt perc gyilkossĂĄg [Five Minutes Thrill] 1966, 7 minutes, in Hungarian with optional English subtitles and optional Hungarian subtitles for the hearing impaired
    Call number 


  • A Nap ĂŠs a Hold elrablĂĄsa [The Rage of the Sun and the Moon] 1968, 11 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 


  • Szvit [Suit] 1969, 7 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 


  • Homo faber, 1965, 11 minutes, in Hungarian with optional English subtitles and optional Hungarian subtitles for the hearing impaired
    Call number 


  • SĂłs lĂśtty [Salty Slops] 1969, 4 minutes, in Hungarian with optional English subtitles and optional Hungarian subtitles for the hearing impaired
    Call number 


  • Nyelvlecke [A Language Lesson] 1967, 9 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 



  • Antologia Polskiej Animacji, on 2 DVDs, in Polish with optional English and French subtitles
    DVD 1 contains the following 14 films:
    • Borowczyk and Lenica - Dom [The House] 1958, 11 minutes; AND Haupe and Bielińska - Zmiana warty [The Changing of the Guard] 1958, 8 minutes; AND
    • Borowczyk - Szkoła [The School] 1958, 7 minutes; AND Lenica - Labirynt [The Labyrinth] 1961, 14 minutes; AND Urbański - Igraszki [Playthings] 1962, 7 minutes; AND Giersz - Czerwone i czarne [The Red and the Black] 1963, 6½ minutes; AND Szczechura - Fotel [The Chair] 1963, 6 minutes; AND Kijowicz - Klatki [Cages] 1966, 7½ minutes; AND Schabenbeck - Wszystko jest liczba [Everything is a Number] 1966, 7½ minutes; AND Giersz - Koń [The Horse] 1967, 6 minutes; AND Schabenbeck - Schody [Stairs] 1968, 7½ minutes; AND Szczechura - PodrĂłz [The Journey] 1970, 6½ minutes; AND Czekala - Syn [The Son] 1970, 10 minutes; AND Czekala - Apel [The Roll-Call] 1970, 7 minutes
    Call number 
    DVD 2 contains the following 14 films:
    • Kijowicz - Droga [The Road] 1971, 4½ minutes; AND Rybczyński - Zupa [Soup] 1974, 8 minutes; AND Oraczewska - Bankiet [The Banquet] 1976, 8 minutes; AND Kucia - Refleksy [Reflections] 1979, 6 minutes; AND Antonisz - Ostry film zaangaĹźowany [A Highly Committed Movie] 1979, 7½ minutes; AND Rybczyński - Tango 1980, 8 minutes; AND Bibańska - Portret niewierny [Unfaithful Portrait] 1981, 8 minutes; AND Kalina - Solo na ugorze [Solo in a Fallow Field] 1981, 7 minutes; AND Dumala - Czarny kapturek [Little Black Riding Hood] 1983, 5 minutes; AND Dumała - Łagodna [Gentle Spirit] 1985, 11 minutes; AND Serafiński - Wyścig [The Race] 1989, 6 minutes; AND Kucia - Strojenie instrumentĂłw [Tuning the Instruments] 2000, 15 minutes; AND Bagiński - Katedra [The Cathedral] 2002, 6 minutes; AND Skrobecki - Ichthys [Ichthis] 2005, 15 minutes
    Call number 

Films by individual directors

ANTONISZ, Julian JĂłzef

  • Ostry film zaangaĹźowany [A Highly Committed Movie] 1979, 7½ minutes, in Polish with optional English and French subtitles
    Call number 


  • Katedra [The Cathedral] 2002, 6 minutes 39 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
    Call number 


  • Portret niewierny [Unfaithful Portrait] 1981, 8 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 


See under Haupe and Bielińska


  • PowrĂłt [Return] 2008, 8 minutes, in Polish with optional English subtitles
    Call number 


  • Szkola [The School] 1958, no dialogue
    Call number  7 minutes
    Call number  7 minutes 24 seconds (Blu ray disc)
    Call number  7 minutes 24 seconds (DVD)
  • Jouet joyeux [Happy Toy] 1979, 2 minutes 17 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number  (Blu-ray disc)
    Call number Ěý(śŮłŐśŮ)

And see in this index under Animated films from other countries on Russian, Central European and East European subjects, and films by directors from Russia, Central Europe and Eastern Europe made in other countries;
and under Polish documentary films by individual directors;
and under Polish Feature Films;
and under Feature Films from other countries on Russian, Central European and East European Subjects, and films made in other countries by Directors originally from Russia, Central Europe and Eastern Europe.

BOROWCZYK, Walerian and LENICA, Jan

  • Był sobie raz... [Once Upon a Time] 1957, 9 minutes 11 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number  (Blu ray disc)
    Call number Ěý(śŮłŐśŮ)
  • Dom [The House] 1958, no dialogue
    Call number  11 minutes
    Call number  11 minutes 27 seconds (Blu ray disc)
    Call number  11 minutes 27 seconds (DVD)

CZEKAŁA, Ryszard

  • Apel [The Roll-Call] 1970, 7 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • Syn [The Son] 1970, 10 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 


  • Czarny kapturek [Little Black Riding Hood] 1983, 5 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Łagodna [Gentle Spirit] 1985, 11 minutes, in Polish with optional English and French subtitles
    Call number 
  • Franz Kafka, 1991, 16 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 

GIERSZ, Witold

  • Czerwone i czarne [The Red and the Black] 1963, 6½ minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Koń [The Horse] 1967, 6 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 

HAUPE, Włodzimierz and BIELIŃSKA, Halina

  • Zmiana warty [The Changing of the Guard] 1958, 8 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 

JABLOŃSKI, Jakub AND KIK, Bartłomiej

  • Lekcja nieskończoności [Teaching Infinity] 2008, 15 minutes, in Polish with optional English subtitles
    Call number 


  • Solo na ugorze [Solo in a Fallow Field] 1981, 7 minutes, in Polish with optional English and French subtitles
    Call number 

KIJOWICZ, Mirosław

  • Klatki [Cages] 1966, 7½ minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Droga [The Road] 1971, 4½ minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 

KIK, Bartłomiej

See under JABLOŃSKI, Jakub AND KIK, Bartłomiej


  • Loving Vincent, 2017, 91 minutes, in English or in Polish with optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing, optional Polish subtitles and optional English audio-description
    Call number 

KUCIA, Jerzy

  • Refleksy [Reflections] 1979, 6 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Strojenie instrumentĂłw [Tuning the Instruments] 2000, 15 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
    Call number 


  • Labirynt [The Labyrinth] 1961, 14 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 

See also under Borowczyk and Lenica


  • Bankiet [The Banquet] 1976, 8 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 


  • Esterhazy, 2009, 24 minutes, in Polish with English subtitles
    Call number 


  • Zupa [Soup] 1974, 8 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Tango, 1980, 8 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 


  • Wszystko jest liczbą [Everything is a Number] 1966, 7½ minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Schody [Stairs] 1968, 7½ minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 


  • Wyścig [The Race] 1989, 6 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
    Call number 


  • Dim., 1992, 10 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Ichthys [Ichthis] 2005, 15 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 

SOCHA, Michał

  • Laska [The Chick] 2008, 5 minutes, in Polish with optional English subtitles
    Call number 

SOWA, Robert

  • Fryzjer [Hairdresser] 1996, 5 minutes 39 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 


  • Fotel [The Chair] 1963, 6 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Podróş [The Journey] 1970, 6½ minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 

URBAŃSKI, Kazimierz

  • Igraszki [Playthings] 1962, 7 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 

Russia, Soviet Union


  • Animated Soviet Propaganda, on 4 DVDs, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    • DVD 1, American Imperialists, contains the following 7 films:
      Ivanov-Vano and Amal´rik - Blek end Uait (Chernoe i beloe) [Black and White] 1932, 2:27 minutes; AND Karanovich - Mister Tvister [Mr Twister] 1963, 15:33 minutes; AND Ivanov-Vano - Chuzhoi golos [Someone Else's Voice] 1949, 9:23 minutes; AND Ivanov-Vano And Danilevich - Ave Maria, 1972, 9:34 minutes; AND Bordzilovskii and Prytkov - Millioner [The Millionaire] 1963, 9:57 minutes; AND Tarasov - Tir [Shooting Range] 1979, 19:14 minutes; AND Gromov - Mister Uolk [Mr. Wolk] 1949, 10:04 minutes
      Call number 
    • DVD 2, Fascist Barbarians, contains the following 15 films:
      Khodataeva and Amal´rik - Kino-tsirk [Cinema Circus] 1942, 3:34 minutes; AND Ivanov-Vano and Ivanov - Ne toptat´ fashistskomu sapogu nashei Rodiny [Fascist Boots Shall Not Trample Our Motherland] 1941, 2:41 minutes; AND Sazonov - Sterviatniki [Vultures] 1941, 2:11 minutes; AND Ivanov-Vano - Chego Gitler khochet [What Hitler Wants] 1941; AND Khodataeva - Bei fashistskikh piratov [Beat the Fascist Pirates] 1941; AND Brumberg V. and Brumberg Z. - Bei vraga na fronte i v tylu [Strike the Enemy on the Front Lines and at Home] 1941; AND Ivanov - Krepkoe rukopozhatie [A Mighty Handshake] 1941; AND Lomidze - Tebe, Moskva! [To You, Moscow!] 1947, 17:33 minutes; AND Pekar´ and Popov - Prikliucheniia krasnykh galstukov [Adventures of the Young Pioneers] [Adventures of the Red Ties] 1971, 17:34 minutes; AND Stepantsev - Skripka pionera [The Pioneer's Violin] 1971, 7:45 minutes; AND Aristakesova - Vasilek [Vasilyok] 1973, 9:40 minutes; AND Karavaev - Urok ne vprok [A Lesson Not Learned] 1971, 5:13 minutes; AND Gamburg - Vnimanie! Volki! [Attention! Wolves!] 1970, 16:53 minutes; AND Ablynin - Istoriia odnoi kukly [The Tale of a Doll] [Tale of A Toy] 1984, 9:12 minutes; AND Atamanov Eto v nashikh silakh [We Can Do It] 1970, 9:24 minutes
      Call number 
    • DVD 3, Capitalist Sharks, contains the following 6 films:
      Komissarenko and Merkulov and Khodataev - Mezhplanetnaia revoliutsiia [Interplanetary Revolution] 1924, 7 minutes; AND Khodataev and his group - Budem zorki [We'll Keep Our Eyes Peeled] 1927, 2:42 minutes; AND Davydov - Aktsioner [The Shareholder] 1963, 23:31 minutes; AND Bordzilovskii - Gordyi korablik [Proud Little Ship] 1966, 17:59 minutes; AND Kotenochkin - Proroki i uroki [Prophets and Lessons] 1967, 9:32 minutes; AND Komissarenko and Maksimov and Merkulov and Khodataev - Kitai v ogne (Ruki proch´ ot Kitaia!) [China in Flames (Hands off China!)] 1925, 31:47 minutes
      Call number 
    • DVD 4, Onward to the Shining Future: Communism, contains the following 11 films:
      Tarasov - Vpered, vremia! [Time Forward] 1977, 17:47 minutes; AND Vertov - Sovetskie igrushki [Soviet Toys] 1924, 10:44 minutes; AND Khodataev and Khodataeva and V. Brumberg and Z. Brumberg -- Samoedskii mal´chik [Samoed Boy] 1928, 7:02 minutes; AND Khodataev - Organchik [The Music Box] [Little Music Box] 1934, 20:18 minutes; AND Vertov - Leninskaia kinopravda [Lenin's Kino Pravda] 1925, 53 second extract; AND Chto skazal XII s´´ezd Partii o kooperatsii [Results of the XII Party Congress (on Cooperation)] c. 1925, 3:51 minutes; AND Babichenko and Amal´rik and Polkovnikov - Pobednyi marshrut [Victorious Destination] 1939, 6:45 minutes; AND Babichenko - Boevye stranitsy [Pages of War] [War Chronicles] 1939, 8:59 minutes; AND Sarkisian - Goriachii kamen´ [A Hot Stone] 1965, 16:37 minutes; AND Kovalevskaia - Pesni ognennykh let [Songs of the Years of Fire] 1971, 18:36 minutes; AND Aksenchuk - Plius elektrifikatsiia [Plus Electrification] 1972, 8:58 minutes
      Call number 
  • Fourmations: Secret Passions. Animation since Perestroika. TAPE 1 documentary introduction: For love or money, directed by Paul Madden, 1995, 25 minutes AND Korova [The Cow] 1989, directed by Aleksandr Petrov, 10 minutes AND Son smeshnogo cheloveka [The Dream of a Ridiculous Man] 1992, directed by Aleksandr Petrov, 16 minutes, incomplete AND Noch´ [Night] 1986, directed by V. Petkevich, 10 minutes AND Lift 5 [Lift 5] 1992, directed by Ia. Freizhas, V. Sakov and A. Tatarskii, 9 minutes AND Kapsapea [Cabbagehead] 1993, directed by Riho Unt, 30 minutes AND Teatr Papy Karlo [Papa Carlo's Theatre] 1989, directed by Rao Heidmets, 10 minutes AND Hotel E, 1991, directed by Priit Pärn, 28 minutes; Channel Four, 26 October and 2 and 9 November 1995
    Call number 
  • Fourmations: Secret Passions. Animation since Perestroika. TAPE 2 Clinic, 1993, directed by Aleksandr Bubnov, 13 minutes AND Gagarin, 1994, directed by Aleksei Kharitidi, 3 minutes 35 seconds AND Vtoroe ia [Alter ego] 1989, 10 minutes AND Pacifier, 1993, directed by Konstantin Bronzit, 1 minute AND Breakfast on the Grass [Russian title: Zavtrak na trave] 1987, directed by Priit Pärn, 25 minutes AND Lev s sedoi borodoi [The Grey Bearded Lion] 1994, directed by Andrei Khrzhanovskii, 34 minutes AND Zhil -byl Koziavin [There Lived a Man Called Koziavin] 1966, directed by Andrei Khrzhanovskii, 10 minutes AND Amentsia [Amentia] 1990, directed by Sergei Ainutdinov, 10 minutes AND Naedine s prirodoi! [All Alone with Nature] 1988, directed by A. Fedulov, 5 minutes; Channel Four, 16 and 23 November 1995
    Call number 
  • Fourmations: Secret Passions. Animation since Perestroika. TAPE 3 Seryi volk end krasnaia shapochka [The Grey Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood] directed by Garri Bardin, 24 minutes AND Si era bine... [And It Was Good...] directed by Sergiu Plamadeala, 1990, 10 minutes; Channel Four, 23 November 1995
    Call number 
  • Shakespeare: the Animated Tales 1: Tragedy: 1. Macbeth, directed by Nikolai Serebriakov; AND 2. Hamlet, directed by Natal´ia Orlova; AND 3. Romeo and Juliet, directed by Efim Gamburg; AND 4. Othello, directed by Nikolai Serebriakov; 1992-1994, in English, 26 + 26 + 26 +26 minutes
    Call number 
  • Shakespeare: the Animated Tales 2: Comedy: 1. Twelfth Night, directed by Mariia Muat; AND 2. As You Like It, directed by Aleksei Karaev; AND 3. A Midsummer Night's Dream, directed by Robert Saakiants; AND 4. The Taming of the Shrew, directed by Aida Ziablikova; AND 5. The Winter's Tale, directed by Stanislav Sokolov; 1992-1994, in English, 26 + 26 + 26 + 26 +26 minutes
    Call number 
  • Shakespeare: the Animated Tales 3: History: 1. Richard III, directed by Natal´ia Orlova; AND 2. Julius Caesar, directed by Iurii Kulakov; AND 3. The Tempest, directed by Stanislav Sokolov; 1992-1994, in English, 26 + 26 +26 minutes
    Call number 

Films by individual directors


  • Istoriia odnoi kukly [The Tale of a Doll] [Tale of A Toy] 1984, 9:12 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 


  • Amentsia [Amentia] 1990, 10 minutes
    Call number 


  • Plius elektrifikatsiia [Plus Electrification] 1972, 8:58 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 

ALEXEÏEFF, Alexandre [Aleksandr Alekseev]

  • Le Caporal ÉpinglĂŠ [The Pinscreen Corporal] 27 short animated films
    Call number 

AMAL´RIK, Leonid

See immediately below, and also under Ivanov-Vano and Amal´rik, under Khodataeva and Amal´rik and also under Babichenko, Amal´rik, and Polkovnikov


  • Volshebnyi magazin [The Magic Shop] 1953, 29 minutes 11 seconds, in Russian
    Call number 


  • Vasilek [Vasilyok] 1973, 9:40 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 


  • Alen´kii tsvetochek [The Little Red Flower] 1952, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 
  • Pastushka i trubochist [The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep] 1965, 29 minutes, Russian or English dubbed versions
    Call number 
  • Eto v nashikh silakh [We Can Do It] 1970, 9:24 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 


  • Boevye stranitsy [Pages of War] [War Chronicles] 1939, 8:59 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Kem byt´? [Who To Be?] 1948, 10 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 

BABICHENKO, Dmitrii, AMAL´RIK, Leonid and POLKOVNIKOV, Vladimir

  • Pobednyi marshrut [Victorious Destination] 1939, 6:45 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 


  • Bravyi inspektor Mamochkin [Brave Inspector Mamochkin] 1977, 7 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 
  • Seryi volk end Krasnaia shapochka [The Grey Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood] 1990, 24 minutes
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • Chucha [Choo-Choo] 1997, 25 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Chucha-2 [Choo-Choo-2] 2001, 26 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Chucha-3 [Choo-Choo-3] 2004, 29 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number 
  • Gadkii utenok [The Ugly Duckling] 2010, 73 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 


  • Gordyi korablik [Proud Little Ship] 1966, 17:59 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 


  • Millioner [The Millionaire] 1963, 9:57 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 

BRONZIT, Konstantin

  • Pacifier, 1993, 1 minute
    Call number 

BRUMBERG Valentina and BRUMBERG, Zinaida

  • Bei vraga na fronte i v tylu [Strike the Enemy on the Front Lines and at Home] 1941, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Propavshaia gramota [The Lost Letter] 1945, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • Devochka v tsirke [The Little Girl in the Circus] 1950, 20 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 
  • Noch´ pered Rozhdestvom [Christmas Eve] 1951, 46 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • Ostrov oshibok [Island of Mistakes] 1955, 25 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 
  • Tri tolstiaka [Three Fat Men] directed by Valentina Brumberg and Zinaida Brumberg, 1963, 34 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 

See also under Khodataev, Khodataeva, Brumberg and Brumberg


See under Brumberg, V. and Brumberg, Z. and under Khodataev, Khodataeva, Brumberg and Brumberg

BUBNOV, Aleksandr

  • Clinic, 1993, 13 minutes
    Call number 

DANELIIA, Georgii and IL´INA, Tat´iana

  • Ky! Kin-dza-dza, 2012, 97 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 

See also under Daneliia in the Russian directors index.


See under Ivanov-Vano and Danilevich


  • Aktsioner [The Shareholder] 1963, 23:31 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 


  • Tikhaia poliana [A Quiet Glade] 1946, 10 minutes 6 seconds, in Russian
    Call number 
  • Kto pervyi? [Who's First?] 1950, 9 minutes 38 seconds, in Russian
    Call number 


  • Tsvet vetra [The Colour of the Wind] 2009, 6 minutes 5 seconds, in Russian
    Call number 


See under Ushakov and Evlannikova


  • Eliksir [The Elixir] 1995, 45 minutes
    Call number 

FEDULOV, Aleksandr

  • Naedine s prirodoi! [All Alone with Nature] 1988, 5 minutes
    Call number 

FILIPPOV, Gennadii

See under Dezhkin and Filippov

FREIZHAS, Ia., SAKOV, Vladimir and TATARSKII, Aleksandr

  • Lift 5 [Lift 5] 1992, 9 minutes
    Call number 


  • Vnimanie! Volki! [Attention! Wolves!] 1970, 16:53 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Romeo and Juliet, 1992, 26 minutes, in English with optional English subtitles
    Call number 


  • Zakon zhizni [The Law of Life] 2009, 8 minutes 58 seconds, in Russian
    Call number 

GROMOV, Viktor

  • Mister Uolk [Mr. Wolk] 1949, 10:04 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Druz´ia tovarishchi [Friends and Comrades] 1951, 19 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 


  • Teatr papy Karlo [Papa Carlo's Theatre] 1988, 10 minutes
    Call number 


  • Ballada [The Ballad] 2008, 11 minutes 17 seconds, in Russian
    Call number 

IL´INA, Tat´iana

See under Daneliia and Il´ina

IVANOV, Aleksandr

  • Krepkoe rukopozhatie [A Mighty Handshake] 1941, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Lisa i drozd [The Fox and the Thrush] 1946, 14 minutes 30 seconds, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Chempion [The Champion] 1948, 10 minutes 2 seconds, in Russian
    Call number 
  • Dedushka i vnuchek [Granddad and Grandson] 1950, 17 minutes 41 seconds, in Russian
    Call number 

See also under Ivanov-Vano and Ivanov


  • Chego Gitler khochet [What Hitler Wants] 1941, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Konek-Gorbunok [The Little Hump-backed Horse] 1947, 54 minutes, English dubbing
    Call number 
  • Chuzhoi golos [Someone Else's Voice] 1949, 9:23 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Skazka o mertvoi tsarevne i o semi bogatyriakh [The Tale of the Tsar's Dead Daughter and the Seven Bogatyrs] 1951, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 
  • Snegurochka [Snow White] 1952, 65 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 
  • Lesnoi kontsert [The Concert in the Woods] 1953, 10 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 

See also under Norshtein, Iurii. Fil´my Iuriia Norshteina and below:

IVANOV-VANO, Ivan and AMAL´RIK, Leonid

  • Blek end Uait (Chernoe i beloe) [Black and White] 1932, 2:27 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 


  • Kak odin muzhik dvukh generalov prokormil [How One Peasant Fed Two Generals] 1965, 22 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 
  • Ave Maria, 1972, 9:34 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 

IVANOV-VANO, Ivan and IVANOV, Aleksandr

  • Ne toptat´ fashistskomu sapogu nashei Rodiny [Fascist Boots Shall Not Trample Our Motherland] 1941, 2:41 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 

KARAEV, Aleksei

  • Mumu, 1987, 19 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 
  • As You Like It, 1994, 26 minutes, in English with optional English subtitles
    Call number 


  • Skazka o pope i o rabotnike ego Balde [The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda] 1956, 24 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 
  • Mister Tvister [Mr Twister] 1963, 15:33 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 

KARAVAEV, Valentin

  • Urok ne vprok [A Lesson Not Learned] 1971, 5:13 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 


  • Gagarin, 1994, 3 minutes
    Call number 


  • Istoriia odnogo prestupleniia [Story of a Crime] 1962, 19 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 


  • Budem zorki [We'll Keep Our Eyes Peeled] 1927, 2:42 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Organchik [The Litle Organ] [Little Music Box] [Le Petit Orgue] [L'Orgue Positif] 1934, 20:18 minutes
    Call number  Russian titles, French subtitles
    Call number  in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number  Russian titles, French subtitles

See also Komissarenko, Merkulov and Khodataev and under Komissarenko, Maksimov, Merkulov and Khodataev


  • Groznyi Vavila i tetka Arina [Threatening Vavila and Auntie Arina] 1928, 7 minutes 18 seconds, Russian titles, optional German subtitles, silent with added music track
    Call number 

KHODATAEV, Nikolai, KHODATAEVA, Ol´ga, BRUMBERG, Valentina and BRUMBERG, Zinaida

  • Samoedskii mal´chik [Samoed Boy] 1928
    Call number 7 minutes 2 seconds, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number  9 minutes 8 seconds, Russian titles, optional German subtitles, silent with added music track


  • Bei fashistskikh piratov [Beat the Fascist Pirates] 1941, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 

See also Khodataev, Khodataeva, Brumberg and Brumberg and below

KHODATAEVA, Ol´ga and AMAL´RIK, Leonid

  • Kino-tsirk [Cinema Circus] 1942, 3:34 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 


  • Zhil -byl Koziavin [There Lived a Man Called Koziavin] 1966, 10 minutes
    Call number 
  • Stekliannaia garmonika [The Glass Harmonica] 1968, 20 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 
  • Ia k vam lechu vospominan´em...' [I Fly to You in Memory] 1977, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 
  • Liubimoe moe vremia [My Favourite Time] 1987, 70 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 
  • Lev s sedoi borodoi [The Grey Bearded Lion] 1994, 34 minutes
    Call number 

See also a feature film by Andrei Khrzhanovskii.


  • Peizazh s mozhzhevel´nikom [Landscape with Juniper] 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 


  • Kitai v ogne (Ruki proch´ ot Kitaia!) [China in Flames (Hands off China!)] 1925, 31:47 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 


  • Mezhplanetnaia revoliutsiia [RĂŠvolution interplanĂŠtaire] [Interplanetary Revolution] 1924
    Call number  7 minutes, Russian titles, French subtitles, added music track
    Call number  7 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number  9 minutes 57 seconds, Russian titles with optional German and English subtitles


  • Proroki i uroki [Prophets and Lessons] 1967, 9:32 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 

See also under TRUSOV, Aleksandr AND KOTENOCHKIN, Viacheslav


  • Pesni ognennykh let [Songs of the Years of Fire] 1971, 18:36 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 


  • Julius Caesar, 1994, 26 minutes, in English with optional English subtitles
    Call number 

LOMIDZE, Grigorii

  • Tebe, Moskva! [To You, Moscow!] 1947, 17:33 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 


See under Komissarenko, Maksimov, Merkulov and Khodataev


See under Komissarenko, Merkulov and KhodataevĚý˛š˛ÔťĺĚýKomissarenko, Maksimov, Merkulov and Khodataev


  • Stoikii oloviannyi soldatik [The Brave Tin Soldier] 1976, 17 minutes, in Russian with optional English, Portuguese, French or Spanish dubbing
    Call number 

MOSHKOVA, Tat´iana

  • Smekhovorot [The Laughterfall] 2007, 3 minutes 34 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 

MUAT, Mariia

  • Twelfth Night, 1992, 26 minutes, in English with optional English subtitles
    Call number 


  • Vremena goda [The Seasons] with Ivan Ivanov-Vano, 1969, 10 minutes
    Call number 
  • Secha pri Kerzhentse [The Battle of Kerzhenets] with Ivan Ivanov-Vano, 1971, 10 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • Lisa i zaiats [The Fox and the Hare] 1973, 12 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 
  • Tsaplia i zhuravl´ [The Heron and the Crane] 1974, 10 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • Ezhik v tumane [The Hedgehog in the Mist] 1975, 10 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • Skazka skazok [Tale of Tales] 1979, 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 
    Call number 

and see SECTION C

ORLOVA, Natal´ia

  • Hamlet, 1992, 26 minutes, in English with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Richard III, 1994, 26 minutes, in English with optional English subtitles
    Call number 


  • Faraon [Pharaoh] 1999, 10 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 
  • Podvigi Gerakla [Feats of Hercules] [The Labours of Hercules] 2000, 13 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 
  • Sochinushki [Russian Dreams] 2000, 11 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 

PÄRN, Priit

  • Aeg maha [Time Out] [Russian title: Nebylitsy (Tall Tales)] 1984, 9 minutes 24 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • Eine murul [Breakfast on the Grass] [Russian title: Zavtrak na trave] 1987, 24 minutes 57 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 
    Call number 
    Call number 

See also under Estonia

PEKAR´, Vladimir and POPOV, Vladimir

  • Prikliucheniia krasnykh galstukov [Adventures of the Young Pioneers] [Adventures of the Red Ties] 1971, 17:34 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 


  • Noch´ [Night] 1986, 10 minutes
    Call number 

PETROV, Aleksandr

  • Korova [The Cow] 1989, 10 minutes
    Call number 
  • Son smeshnogo cheloveka [The Dream of a Ridiculous Man] 1992, 16 minutes, incomplete
    Call number 


  • Si era bine... [And It Was Good...] 1990, 10 minutes
    Call number 


See under Amal´rik and Polkovnikov and under Babichenko, Amal´rik and Polkovnikov

POPOV, Vladimir

See under Pekar´ and Popov


See under Bordzilovskii and Prytkov

PTUSHKO, Aleksandr

  • Vlastelin byta [Lord of Life] 1932, 14 minutes 56 seconds, Russian titles with optional German subtitles
    Call number 


  • A Midsummer Night's Dream, 1992, 26 minutes, in English with optional English subtitles
    Call number 

SAKOV, Vladimir

See under Freizhas, Sakov and Tatarskii


  • Goriachii kamen´ [A Hot Stone] 1965, 16:37 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 

SAZONOV, Panteleimon

  • Sterviatniki [Vultures] 1941, 2:11 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Okhotnich´e ruzh´e [The Hunter's Rifle] 1948, 10 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 


  • Macbeth, 1992, 26 minutes, in English with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Othello, 1994, 26 minutes, in English with optional English subtitles
    Call number 

SHIRIAEV, Aleksandr

  • Shutka Arlekina [Harlequin's Jest] 1909, 17 minutes, with Russian or English titles
    Call number 


  • Vtoroe ia [Alter ego] 1989, 10 minutes
    Call number 

SOKOLOV, Stanislav

  • The Tempest, 1992, 26 minutes, in English with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • The Winter's Tale, 1994, 26 minutes, in English with optional English subtitles
    Call number 

SOKOL´SKII, Gennadii

  • Serebrianoe kopyttse [The Little Silver Hoof] 1977, 10 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 

STAREWICZ, Władysław

  • Early Russian Cinema, Tape 3: Starewicz's Fantasies, British Film Institute, contains: Strekoza i muravei [The Dragon Fly and the Ant] 1913, 5 minutes AND Noch´ pered rozhdestvom (Cherevichki) [Christmas Eve (The Slippers)] 1913, 41 minutes AND Liliia Bel´gii (Stradaniia i vozrozhdenie Bel´gii. Allegoriia sovremennosti) [The Lily of Belgium (The Sufferings and Rebirth of Belgium. An Allegory of Modern Life)], 1915, 14 minutes, total length, 60 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • The Cameraman's Revenge and Other Fantastic Tales, Milestone Video, New York, 1993, contains: Mest´ kinematograficheskogo operatora [The Camera Operator's Revenge] 1912, 13 minutes AND Rozhdestvo obitatelei lesa [The Insects' Christmas] 1913, 6.26 minutes AND Les grenouilles qui demandent un roi [Frogland] 1922, 8.40 minutes AND La voix du rossignol [The Voice of the Nightingale] 1923, 13.10 minutes AND Fetiche Mascotte [The Mascot] 1933, directed by Władysław and Madame France Starewicz, 25.50 minutes AND Carrousel BorĂŠal [Winter Carousel]1958, 12.02 minutes, total length: 80 minutes,
    Call number  in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number  English intertitles only
  • Ladislaw Starewicz. Selected Films, Connoisseur Academy Video, 1995, contains: Mest´ kinematograficheskogo operatora [The Camera Operator's Revenge] 1912, 11 minutes AND Le rat des villes et le rat des champs [Town Rat, Country Rat] 1926, 14 minutes AND Fetiche Mascotte [The Mascot] 1933, directed by Władysław and Madame France Starewicz, Black and White AND Amour noir et blanc [Love in Black and White] 1923, 22 minutes AND Le roman de renard [The Tale of the Fox]1930-1931, directed and animated by Władysław and Irène Starewicz, 64 minutes, total length, 131 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Le Monde Magique de Ladislas Starewitch, Doriane Films, contains: Le lion devenu vieux [The Lion Become Old] 1932, 8 minutes 30 seconds, no titles AND Le rat des villes et le rat des champs [Town Rat, Country Rat] 1926, 14 minutes, French titles AND FĂŠtiche Mascotte [The Mascot] 1933, 20 minutes, no titles AND Fleur de fougère [Fern Flower] 1949, 23 minutes, in French
    Call number 
  • Les Contes de l'horloge magique [The Tales of the Magic Clock] Editions Montparnasse, 2003, contains colourised versions of: La petite chanteuse des rues [The Little Street Singer], 1924 AND La petite parade [The Little Parade], 1928 AND L'horloge magique ou La petite fille qui voulait ĂŞtre princesse [The Magic Clock, or the Little Girl who Wanted to be a Princess], 1928, total running time 61 minutes, in French
    Call number 
Individual films
  • Mest´ kinematograficheskogo operatora [The Camera Operator's Revenge] 1912
    Call number  13 minutes, tinted, English titles
    Call number  11 minutes
    Call number  13 minutes, tinted, English titles
    Call number  9 minutes, Russian titles, with a new soundtrack by Markscheider Kunst
  • Noch´ pered rozhdestvom (Cherevichki) [Christmas Eve (The Slippers)] 1913
    Call number  41 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
    Call number  41 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
    Call number  37 minutes, Russian titles, with a new soundtrack by Messer Chups
  • Rozhdestvo obitatelei lesa [The Insects' Christmas] 1913, 6.26 minutes, tinted, English titles
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • Strekoza i muravei [The Dragon Fly and the Ant] 1913, 5 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • Liliia Bel´gii (Stradaniia i vozrozhdenie Bel´gii. Allegoriia sovremennosti) [The Lily of Belgium (The Suffering and Rebirth of Belgium. An Allegory of Modern Life)] 1915, 14 minutes, Russian titles, English subtitles, added music track
    Call number 
    Call number 
  • Dans les griffes de l'araignĂŠe [In the Clutches of the Spider] 1920, 19 minutes 8 seconds, French titles with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • L'Épouvantail [The Scarecrow] 1921, 14 minutes 38 seconds, French titles with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Le mariage de Babylas [Babylas's Wedding] [The Midnight Wedding] 1921
    Call number  11 minutes 32 seconds, French titles with optional English subtitles
    Call number  10 minutes 38 seconds, English release version with titles translated into French
  • Les grenouilles qui demandent un roi [Frogland] 1922
    Call number  8 minutes 40 seconds, tinted, English titles
    Call number  8 minutes 40 seconds, tinted, English titles
    Call number  16 minutes 2 seconds, French titles with optional English subtitles
  • Amour noir et blanc [Love in Black and White] 1923
    Call number  22 minutes, black and white, English titles
    Call number  17 minutes, 3 seconds, French titles with optional English subtitles
  • La voix du rossignol [The Voice of the Nightingale] 1923
    Call number  13 minutes 10 seconds, Stencil colour, Prizma colour and tinting, English titles
    Call number  13 minutes 10 seconds, Stencil colour, Prizma colour and tinting, English titles
    Call number  11 minutes 04 seconds, French titles with optional English subtitles
  • La petite chanteuse des rues [The Little Street Singer], 1924, colourised version in Les Contes de l'horloge magique [The Tales of the Magic Clock] Editions Montparnasse, 2003, total running time 61 minutes, in French
    Call number 
  • Les yeux du dragon. Conte chinois [The Eyes of the Dragon. A Chinese Tale] 1925, 21 minutes, French titles with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Le rat des villes et le rat des champs [Town Rat, Country Rat] 1926
    Call number  14 minutes, black and white, English titles
    Call number  14 minutes, French titles
    Call number  9 minutes, French titles, silent, colourised version
    Call number  9 minutes 28 seconds, French titles with optional English subtitles
  • La cigale et la fourmi [The Grasshopper and the Ant] (a remake of Starewicz's 1911 film )1927, 15 minutes 26 seconds, French titles with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • La reine des papillons [The Queen of the Butterflies] 1927
    Call number  26 minutes 25 seconds, French titles with optional English subtitles
    Call number  21 minutes 36 seconds, English release version with titles translated into French
  • L'horloge magique ou La petite fille qui voulait ĂŞtre princesse [The Magic Clock, or the Little Girl who Wanted to be a Princess], 1928, colourised version in Les Contes de l'horloge magique [The Tales of the Magic Clock] Editions Montparnasse, 2003, total running time 61 minutes, in French
    Call number 
  • La petite parade [The Little Parade], 1928, colourised version in Les Contes de l'horloge magique [The Tales of the Magic Clock] Editions Montparnasse, 2003, total running time 61 minutes, in French
    Call number 
  • Le roman de renard [The Tale of the Fox] with Irène Starewicz, 1930-1931, 64 minutes, black and white
    Call number  English titles
    Call number  in French with optional English subtitles
  • Amour noir et blanc [Love in Black and White] sound version, 1932, 13 minutes 55 seconds, French titles with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Le lion devenu vieux [The Lion Become Old] 1932
    Call number  8 minutes 30 seconds, no titles
    Call number  International version, 8 minutes 32 seconds, French titles with optional English subtitles
    Call number  Original French version, 8 minutes 36 seconds, French titles with optional English subtitles
  • Le lion et le moucheron [The Lion and the Gnat] 1932, 7 minutes 34 seconds, in French with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Le rat de ville et le rat des champs [Town Rat, Country Rat] (a remake of Starewicz's 1926 film) 1932, 13 minutes 40 seconds, French titles with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Les yeux du dragon. Conte chinois [The Eyes of the Dragon. A Chinese Tale] sound version, 1932, 19 minutes 6 seconds, French titles with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • FĂŠtiche 33-12 [Fetish 33-12] 1933, 37 minutes, French titles with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • FĂŠtiche Mascotte [The Mascot] with Madame France Starewicz, 1933
    Call number  25.50 minutes, black and white, English titles
    Call number  20 minutes, black and white, English titles
    Call number  25.50 minutes, black and white, English titles
    Call number  20 minutes, no titles
    Call number  20 minutes 54 seconds, English version
    Call number  20 minutes, French titles with optional English subtitles
    Call number  20 minutes 54 seconds, English version
  • FĂŠtiche prestidigitateur [Fetish the Juggler] 1934, 11 minutes 50 seconds, French titles with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • FĂŠtiche se marie [Fetish Gets Married] 1935, 13 minutes 50 seconds, French titles with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • FĂŠtiche en voyage de Noces [Fetish on Honeymoon] with Irène Starewicz, 1936
    Call number  10 minutes, in French
    Call number  11 minutes 43 seconds, French titles with optional English subtitles
  • FĂŠtiche ches les sirènes [Fetish with the Sirens] 1937, 15 minutes 50 seconds, French titles with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • FĂŠtiche père de famille [Fetish Paterfamilias] 1937, 6 minutes 46 seconds, not completed, French titles with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Fleur de fougère [Fern Flower] 1949, 23 minutes, in French
    Call number 
  • Guele de bois [The Hangover] 1954, 12 minutes, French titles with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Carrousel BorĂŠal [Winter Carousel] 1958, 12.02 minutes, colour, English titles
    Call number 
    Call number 

See also SECTION C and a Feature Film by Starewicz


  • Skripka pionera [The Pioneer's Violin] 1971, 7:45 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 

TARASOV, Vladimir

  • Vpered, vremia! [Time Forward] 1977, 17:47 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Tir [Shooting Range] 1979, 19:14 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 

TATARSKII, Aleksandr

See under Freizhas, Sakov and Tatarskii

TRUSOV, Aleksandr AND KOTENOCHKIN, Viacheslav

  • Liagushka-puteshestvennitsa [The Little Travelling Frog] 1965, 18 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 


  • Skazka o glupom myshonke [The Tale of the Stupid Little Mouse] 1940, 14 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number 
  • Tsvetik-Semitsvetik [The Seven-Coloured Flower] 1948, 21 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 
  • Skazka o rybake i rybke [The Tale of the Fisherman and the Little Fish] 1950, 30 minutes
    Call number  in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
    Call number  in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
    Call number  in Russian
  • Animatograf Mikhail Tsekhanovskii, 1994, includes the 'Bazar' section from his film 'Skazka o pope i o rabotnike ego Balde'', with V. Tsekhanovskai, 1933, taken from Pushkin's tale; 'Skazka o glupom myshonke', 1940, taken from Marshak's tale; and film about Tsekhanovskii 'Mikhail Tsekhanovskii - "Dramaticheskaia" grafika', by Sergei Seregin, 1994, which includes extracts from Tsekhanovskii's films, including 'Pochta' (1929), 'Pasifik' (1931), 'Pochta' (1964), 'Skazka o rybake i rybke' (1950), 'Kashtanka' (1952) and 'Skaz o Chapaeve' (1958), as well as extracts from Tsekhanovskii's diaries. Followed by the complete 'Pochta', 1929, 70 + 15 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 

and see SECTION C


  • Vintik-Shpintik [The Little Screw] 1927, 11 minutes, Russian titles, with optional German, English and French subtitles, silent, with no added music score, reconstructed by Petr Bagrov, Il´dar Iakubov, Anna Mal´gina at Gosfil´mofond, Moscow, 2014
    Call number 

UGAROV, Valerii

  • Shkatulka s sekretom [The Box with a Secret] 1976, 10 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 

See also under Khrzhanovskii and Ugarov

UNT, Riho

  • Kapsapea [Cabbagehead] 1993, 30 minutes
    Call number 

USHAKOV, Sviatoslav and EVLANNIKOVA, Inna

  • Belka i Strelka. Zvezdnye sobaki [Belka and Strelka. Star Dogs] 2010, 88 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 


  • Most [The Bridge] 2009, 7 minutes 53 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number 


  • Sovetskie igrushki [Soviet Toys] 1924, 10:44 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 
  • Leninskaia kinopravda [Lenin's Kino Pravda] 1925, (extract) 0:53 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number 


  • Katok [The Skating Rink] [La Patinoire] 1927, 6 minutes, Russian titles, French subtitles, added music track
    Call number 


  • The Taming of the Shrew, 1994, 26 minutes, in English with optional English subtitles
    Call number 

Materials on animation and animators

  • Animating Shakespeare, produced by Jeff Morgan, BBC2, 2 November 1992, 30 minutes, in English
    Call number 
    Call number 


  • Iurii Norshtein [documentary about N., includes extracts from N.'s Shinel´] directed by Vikhra Tarabanova, 55 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number 

SHIRIAEV, Aleksandr

  • Zapozdavshaia prem´era [A Belated Premiere] 2003, 60 minutes, in Russian or in English
    Call number 

STAREWICZ, Władysław

  • The Insect Affair [documentary on Władysław Starewicz] directed by Keith Griffiths, Channel Four, 31 December 1994, 60 minutes, lacks start
    Call number 
  • Povelitel´ marionetok [The Lord of the Marionettes] 2009, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 


  • Animatograf Mikhail Tsekhanovskii [includes extracts from his films 'Skazka o pope i o rabotnike ego Balde', Lenkino, 1993, and 'Skazka o glupom myshonke', Lenfil´m, 1940, plus "Mikhail Tsekhanovskii - "Dramaticheskaia" grafika', Soiuzmul´tfil´m and Press - Anima - Ekran, 1994, dir. Sergei Seregin] 1994, 85 minutes, in Russian
    Call number 


GAJIĆ, Aleksa

  • Technotise: Edit i ja [Technotise: Edit & I] 2009, 86 minutes, in Serbian with English subtitles
    Call number 



See under Gazizov and Crombie

GAZIZOV, Rinat and CROMBIE, Robert

  • DobrĂ˝ vajĂĄk Ĺ vejk [The Good Soldier Schweik] [Pokhozhdeniia bravogo soldata Shveika] 2009, 74 minutes, Czech and Russian language versions
    Call number 

Other countries

ASHINO, Yoshiharu

  • Pervyi otriad [First Squad. The Moment of Truth] 2009, 57 minutes, in Russian, English, French, Italian or Spanish, with optional Arabic, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish and Swedish subtitles
    Call number 


  • Blitz Wolf, 1942, 9 minutes 51 seconds, in English
    Call number 


  • Le Concert [The Concert] 1962, 7 minutes 1 second, no dialogue
    Call number  (Blu-ray disc)
    Call number Ěý(śŮłŐśŮ)
  • L'EncyclopĂŠdie de Grand'maman en 13 volumes [Grandma's Encyclopaedia in 13 volumes] 1963, 6 minutes 51 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number  (Blu-ray disc)
    Call number Ěý(śŮłŐśŮ)
  • Renaissance, 1963, 9 minutes 18 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number  (Blu-ray disc)
    Call number Ěý(śŮłŐśŮ)
  • Les Jeux des anges [Angels' Games] 1964, 12 minutes 1 second, no dialogue
    Call number  (Blu-ray disc)
    Call number Ěý(śŮłŐśŮ)
  • Le Dictionnaire de Joachim [Joachim's Dictionary] 1965, 9 minutes 26 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number  (Blu-ray disc)
    Call number Ěý(śŮłŐśŮ)
  • Theâtre de Monsieur & Madame Kabal [Theatre of Mr and Mrs Kabal] 1967, 77 minutes, in French with optional English subtitles
    Call number  (Blu-ray disc)
    Call number Ěý(śŮłŐśŮ)
  • Escargot de VĂŠnus [Venus on the Half-Shell] 1975, 4 minutes 40 seconds, in French with optional English subtitles
    Call number  (Blu-ray disc)
    Call number Ěý(śŮłŐśŮ)
  • Scherzo Infernal, 1984, 5 minutes 14 seconds, in French with optional English subtitles
    Call number  (Blu-ray disc)
    Call number Ěý(śŮłŐśŮ)

And see in this index under Polish animated films;
and under Polish documentary films by individual directors;
and under Polish Feature Films;
and under Feature Films from other countries on Russian, Central European and East European Subjects, and films made in other countries by Directors originally from Russia, Central Europe and Eastern Europe.


  • Russian Rhapsody, 1944, 7 minutes, in English
    Call number 


See under KOBIELA, Dorota AND WELCHMAN, Hugh