

Library Services


Brooke Collection


Moral Education and Character Development.


Ca. 400 items (15 m).

Scope and content

This collection consists of about 400 books, mostly in English (though there are some books in Latin and French), which date from the c.1577 to 1860. They are of a broadly educational and instructional nature and focus on agriculture, husbandry, housewifery (including cooking and curing), history, geography, grammar, poetry, law, religion, moral education, education for character development and schoolbooks.Ìý

Although the collection focuses mainly on moral and religious education, there are some books that were used for older children and adults. For instance, Richard Eden’s geography which is a translation of d’Anghiera’s compilation of famous voyages is an example, The History of Travayle in the West and East Indies, and Other Countreys Lying Eyther Way… With a Discourse of the Northwest Passage… Newly Set in Order, Augmented, and Finished by Richarde Willes. (London, 1577, BROOKE 162).Ìý

Another work is The Gentleman’s Pocket Companion for Travelling into Foreign Parts (London: Thomas Taylor, 1722, BROOKE 213) which was a book aimed at the young upper- and upper-middle class adults that went on the ‘Grand Tour’ to expand their horizons through travel.Ìý


The Reverend Richard Brooke of Selby in Yorkshire donated this Collection to the Government's Department of Science and Art in 1864, and it eventually passed to the Department for Education. It was given to the IOE in 1992 by the DoE.


The collection is fully catalogued. To browse the records, conduct a shelfmark search for BROOKEÌýon Explore.