
Charles Scarlett of St Ann

No Dates


Planter of St Ann, Jamaica. Died between 1809 and 1817. Possibly the father of the Charles Scarlett who was

  1. Henry James, son of Charles Scarlett and his wife Sarah Reid, born 23/10/1800 and baptised 25/12/1800 in Trelawny. Charles, son of Charles Scarlett and Sarah his wife late [blank] born 08/09/1807 and baptised 21/01/1808 in Trelawny.

  2. The will of Charles Scarlett of St Ann, Jamaica, planter, was written in 1809 and proved in 1817 in London, mentions his wife Sarah Reid Scarlett, son Charles, daughter Juliana Gallimore Scarlett and deceased son Henry James Scarlett. He was also due a legacy of £2,000 from Peru Estate, suggesting he was the Charles Scarlett, son of James Scarlett of Halstead (q.v.) and his wife Jane, born 16/07/1777 and baptised 03/05/1778 in Trelawny. He also named his brothers-in-law as John Gayner Esquire and John Reid Gallimore, suggesting his wife Sarah Reid Scarlett was likely Sarah Reid Gallimore, born 16/01/1773 and baptised 14/10/1775 in Trelawny, the same day as her brother John Reid Gallimore. According to a marginal note his will only appears to have been finally settled in 1857, due to deaths of legatees/executors, refusal of executors to act and possible claims by debtors.


  1. Familysearch.org, Jamaica Church of England Parish Register Transcripts, 1664-1880 [database online].

  2. Ibid.; will of Charles Scarlett, PROB 11/1595/73; will of James Scarlett of Halstead Essex, PROB 11/1460/149.

We are grateful to Rita Lamb for her assistance with this entry.

Further Information

Sarah Reid Gallimore
Henry James (1800-), Charles (1807-), Juliana Gallimore

Will of Charles Scarlett, Jamaica; The National Archives reference PROB 11/1595/73

We are grateful to Rita Lamb for transcribing this will.

Jamaica Is

I Charles Scarlett of the Parish of Saint Ann in//the County of Middlesex and Island of Jamaica aforesaid Planter//being of sound and disposing mind and memory do make and//ordain this to be my last Will and Testament hereby annulling//and making void all former and other Wills by me heretofore made//and declaring this to be my last Will and Testament Imprimis//I desire all my just debts and Funeral expenses may be paid as//soon after my decease as possible Item I give and bequeath unto//my dearly beloved Wife Sarah Reid Scarlett all those several Negroes as already recorded in the Secretarys Office of this Island//to her sole use and behoof for ever also two thousand pounds//a legacy due me from Peru Estate in the Parish of Trelawny I//also give and bequeath to my said beloved Wife all my Horses to//her sole use benefit and behoof Item I give devise and bequeath//unto my beloved Wife Son Charles Scarlett in trust to my Executors//and Executrix one thousand pounds to be paid out of my legacy due//from Peru for the Education of him my said said(sic) son also one//half of those several Negroes as already recorded in the Secretarys//Office which were designed by me to my departed Son Henry//James Scarlett for ever Item I give devise and bequeath unto my //daughter Juliana Gallimore Scarlett the remaing sum of one//thousand pounds due ^me from my legacy on Peru Estate in trust to//my Executors for the Education of her my said Daughter also//the remainder of those Negroes as recorded in the Secretarys//office of this Island and as intended for my departed Son Henry//James Scarlett for ever Item I give devise and bequeath all my//personal and Landed Property unto my beloved Wife Sarah Reid//Scarlett to my son Charles Scarlett and to my Daughter Juliana //Gallimore Scarlett share and share alike and lastly I hereby//constitute nominate and appoint my beloved Wife Guardian//and Executrix with my dear Brothers in Law John Gayner//Esquire and John Reid Gallimore Guardian and Executors//of this my last Will and Testament ^and it is my particular request//my said dear Brother John Gayner Esqr. and John Reid//Gallimore do act in consort with my dear beloved Wife as Guardians//to my dear Children as I do fully nominate and appoint them//as such In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand//and Seal this twentieth day of March in the year of our Lord//one thousand eight hundred and nine Chas Scarlett (SS) Signed// Sealed published and declared by the Testator Charles Scarlett as and //for his last Will and Testament who in presence of us at his//request and in presence of each other have subscribed our names//as Witnesses hereto Henry John Wisdom Wm Scarlett James Morris

Codicil to this my last Will and Testament should it please//the Almighty that the Infant my dear Wife is at Present pregnant//with be born alive it is my request of my dear Wife she will/divide her her Legas(?) thousand pounds with it as I have bequeath//all my ^possessions proportions already to her and my dear Children I make//no doubt she will comply with this my particular request//Chas Scarlett Witness Henry John Wisdom Wm. Scarlett James Morris

Proved at London with a Codicil 5th Augt. 1817 before the Judge//by the oath of Sarah Reid Scarlett Widow the Relict one of the Exors//to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn by Comon// duly to admr power reserved to John Gayner & John Reid Gallimore//Esqr the other Exors. On February 1818 admon with the Will annexed of the Goods//Chattells and Credits of Charles Scarlett late of the Parish of St. Mary//in the Cy of Middlesex in the Island of Jamaica Esqr decd was//granted to George Robinson as a person for that purpose named by//& on the part & behalf of James Newby limited to the purpose only of//enabling him to become & be made a party to a Bill or Bills to be//exhibited against him in any of His Majesty’s Courts of Equity & to//carry the decree or decrees of the sd Court or Courts into effect but no//further or otherwise being first sworn duly to adminr

[Note in left margin]

On the 31st May 1854 Admon (with the Will and Codicil annexed) of the Goods//Chattels and Credits of Charles Scarlett late of the Parish of Saint Ann in the County of //Middlesex in the Island of Jamaica Esquire deceased left unadministered by Sarah Reid Scarlett//Widow deceased whilst living the Relict one of the Executors, and one of the Residuary Legatees//named in the said Will, was granted to Louisa Hann Widow the Administratrix (with the //Will annexed) of the unadministered Goods of Robert Jones deceased whilst living a Judgment//Creditor of the said Deceased, having been first sworn by Comon. duly to administer – The said//Sarah Reid Scarlett having died Intestate John Gayner and John Reid Gallimore, the other// Executors named in the said Will having died without having proved the same. CharlesScarlett// the Son one other of the Residuary Legatees named in the said Will having also died without//having taken upon him Letters of Administration (with the said Will and Codicil annexed) of the//unadministered Goods of the said Deceased, Thomas Raffington the surviving Executor of the Will of //the said Charles Scarlett having been duly cited with the (-?-) (Administration?) but having in no wise appeared// and the said Charles Scarlett//being the natural and lawful and//only surviving Child died the sole//person entitled to the personal//Estate and Effects of the said Sarah//Reid Scarlett, Juliana Gallimore// (Wife of – Gallimore) the Daur//the other Residuary Legatee named//in the said Will, having died//in the lifetime of the said Deceased//The Letters of Amon (with the said Will and//Codicil annexed)of the Goods of the said//Deceased of the Go heretofore granted under//certain Limitations to George Robinson//as the Nominee of James Newby a//Creditor, having ceased and expired by//reason of the death of the said George// Robinson, and the Letters of Admon//(with the said Will and Codicil annexed)of the unadministered Goods of the said//Deceased heretofore granted to -//Abraham Ewings as the lawful Attorney//and for the use and benefit of the said//Robert Jones deceased having also//ceased and expired by reason of the//death of the said Abraham Ewings//on the 2nd June 1837 Admon (with Will &//Codicil annexed) of the Goods Chattels Credits of//Charles Scarlett late of the Parish of Saint Ann in//the County of Middx In the Island of Jamaica Esqr//decd left unadmd by Sarah Reid ^Scarlett Widow deceased// whilst living one of the Executors and one of the//Residuary [Legatees?] named in the said Will was//granted to Abraham Ewings the lawful //Attorney of Zachary Jones? the Re?ing Executor of//the Will of [-?-] Jones deceased whilst living//a Judgment Creditor of the said deceased being//first sworn duly to administer for the use and//benefit of the said Zachary Jones now residing//in the Island of Jamaica and until he shall duly//apply for and obtain Letters of Admon for the//said Will and Codicil annexed of the unadmind// Goods of the said deceased to be granted to him//John Gayner the remaining Executor named//in the said Will having been first duly cited//with the usual intimation but in no wise//appeared The said Sarah Reid Scarlett//having died Intestate and Juliana //Gallimore (wife of --- Gallimore) the//Daughter of the said deceased and one//other of the Residuary Legatees named//in the said Will having died in the //Testators lifetime and Charles Scarlett//the Son and other Residuary Legatee//named in the said Will and also the//natural lawful and only Child and sole//person entitled to the personal Estate and//Effects of the said Sarah Reid Scarlett//having been also duly cited with the//usual intimation but in no wise//appeared and the Letters of Admon//with the said Will and Cod. Annexed//of the Goods of the said deceased granted//in the month of February 1818 to George//Robinson admitted? to the purpose and//to be made a party to a Bill or Bills//to be exhibited against him in any//of His Majesty’s Courts of Equity and to//carry the decree or decrees ^of any of the said//Court or Courts to effect having//ceased & expired by reason of the death of the said George Robinson –

Relationships (3)

Son → Father
Notes →
Father → Son
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