
James Webster formerly Graham

No Dates


Partner with Geddes Mackenzie Simpson (q.v.) as sugar brokers; the partners were bankrupt in 1820. The firm had earlier traded as Graham and Simpson: Webster had changed his name in 1816, to reflect the will of his great-uncle Dr Thomas Webster of Bath (the brother of David Webster I, q.v.). The Official Assignee of James Webster claimed the compensation for the enslaved people on Bellevue estate in British Guiana.

  1. Will of James Webster of West Ham [made in 1833] proved 29/06/1841. In the will he identified his brothers as Robert Graham and David Wedderburn, and his natural son as James Graham.


London Gazette 17660 16/12/1820 p. 2365; Whitehall July 22 1816 His Royal Highness the Prince Regent has been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to give and grant unto James Graham, of the city of London, and of Meathie and Balmure, in the county of Forfar, North Britain, Esq. eldest son of James Graham, of Meathie and Balmure aforesaid, Esq. by Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Robert Wedderburn, of Pearsie, in the said county of Forfar, Esq. deceased, His Majesty’s royal licence and authority, that he and his issue may take and use the surname, and bear the arms, of Webster only, in compliance with an injunction contained in the last will and testament of the Reverend Thomas Webster, late of the city of Bath, Doctor in Divinity, deceased; such arms being first duly exemplified according to the law of arms, and recorded in the Heralds’ Office, otherwise His Majesty’s said licence and permission to be void and of none effect: And also to order, that the said royal concession and declaration be registered in His Majesty’s College of Arms. London Gazette, 17161 10/08/1816, pp. 1545-6.

  1. PROB 11/1948/110.

Further Information


Associated Claims (1)

£11,257 5s 7d
Other association

Legacies Summary

Commercial (1)

Name partner
Graham & Simpson
Sugar broker  

Relationships (3)

Business partners
Great-nephew → Great-uncle
Great-nephew → Great-uncle

Addresses (1)

West Ham, Essex, South-east England , England
Notes →

Of West Ham in his will made in 1833 and proved in 1841